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The corona wave is rising from week to week in Europe now

Several of the major countries in Europe now have daily new infection rates on a scale that has not been seen since April and May. They are not up to the same figures as when the corona epidemic ravaged the countries the worst, but the development is disturbing:

* Germany recorded several days this week with daily figures on a par with what was seen last April, with 1,584 new infected on Thursday, according to Worldometers. It is still a long way from the record, which was set in April. Germany is still below the limit of 20 per 100,000 in the last 14 days, which Norway has set for green / yellow countries, and currently registers 17.9 corona cases per 100,000.

* France on Thursday recorded the highest number of days since April, with 4771 new cases, according to Worldometers. At its worst in March / April, there were around 4,000 new infections every day.

* Italy registered its highest number since May on Thursday, with 840 new infected. This is on a par with what it was at the beginning of March, when the closure began in the north, where the situation was absolutely worst. It is still far from the worst numbers from later in March. At most, there were over 6,000 new infections daily in Italy.

* Spain took note 3,349 new cases Thursday. This is somewhat lower than has been seen earlier in August, but still on a par with the figures seen when the wave was on its way down in April in the country.

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Many young people

WHO is concerned about developments in Europe now. In the last two months, infection rates have increased steadily every week in the region, said Hans Kluge, director of the WHO’s Europe office, on Thursday.

“In Europe, an average of 26,000 new cases are now registered every day,” he said.

The reason is partly relief in measures and that people have become less vigilant, the WHO believes. Kluge points in particular to the increase among a special age group:

– I am very concerned that more and more young people are among the registered cases, Kluge said, according to The Guardian.

High numbers in France

In France, the numbers have been increasing, especially in the last two weeks. It is especially in the two largest cities, Paris and Marseille, that the numbers are increasing, according to the Ministry of Health.

– All indicators continue to grow, and the spread of infection is intensified, it is said in a statement from the French Ministry of Health.

However, the numbers of people admitted to the intensive care unit are relatively low, seen in relation to the number of infected, writes France 24. The increase in the number of registered infected people is also attributed to increased testing, which means that infected people who do not have symptoms are also found.

The question is how to meet a wave peak again if it comes. President Emmanuel Macron tells Paris Match magazine that he prefers local shutdowns to a new national shutdown.

The use of sanitary napkins has become increasingly widespread in the country, with many local injunctions and recommendations for different situations in several cities.

Also read: Is it true that South Africa accounts for more than half of all infections in Africa?

Tightens into Spain

In Spain, which was hit extremely hard by the epidemic in March and April, restrictions have begun to be tightened again, after being released just before the summer. Among other things, the closure of nightclubs has been introduced in several Spanish regions.

The authorities in all of the country’s 17 regions have agreed to tighten infection control restrictions.

The increase in registered infections is also partly attributed in Spain to more extensive testing. Many of those infected have no or few symptoms, and mortality has dropped significantly. More extensive testing has led to a larger proportion of those detected infected now being young people who did not know they had the virus, writes The country.

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