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The Corona Virus in the United States Has Not Improved

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Critically positive Covid-19 patients in the United States are still filling hospital emergency rooms and ICU rooms. This condition is concerning because the United States has started injecting vaccines corona virus, including high-ranking officials in the country such as Vice President Mike Pence.

Public Health data on Thursday, December 17, 2020, showed that there were around 41 thousand people whose test results showed positive Covid-19 across the United States. On that day there were 300 corona virus patients who ended in death.

The United States flag flies over the US Capitol Hill Building, as Mayor Muriel Bowser declares a State of Emergency due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), on Capitol Hill in Washington, USA, March 18, 2020. [REUTERS / Tom Brenner]

Meanwhile, data from the California Department of Public Health shows that there are around 1,200 ICU beds available until Friday, December 18, 2020 or about 2.1 percent of the total ICU beds. California has a population of 40 million.

“We had anticipated a surge, but I am not sure if anyone ever imagined things would be this bad,” said Adam Blackstone, Association of Hospitals spokesman for the Southern California region.

California is one of the regions in the country of Abang Sam that is struggling to face the deadly corona virus outbreak. Start of injection coronavirus vaccine hopefully ending this pandemic soon.

The highest corona virus cases in the United States in the world. On Thursday, December 17, 2020, there were 239,903 positive cases of Covid-19. Meanwhile, patients who ended in death touched the figure of 311 thousand.

As for Covid-19 patients treated in hospitals across the United States in the last 20 days on Thursday, December 17, 2020, approaching 114 thousand.

In the California region alone, there has been an increase in corona virus cases so that the accumulation of Covid-19 cases there is almost close to 1.8 million cases. Meanwhile, more than 22 thousand patients have died from the corona virus.

The United States has purchased a corona virus vaccine made by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. The vaccine has been distributed to several states in the United States and the injection process has started. United States of America have also bought the corona virus vaccine made by Moderna Inc which is expected to arrive in the country this weekend. The corona virus vaccine made by Moderna was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration on Friday, 18 December 2020 for use during this pandemic.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa/california-hospitals-overrun-even-as-vaccine-is-rolled-out-idUSKBN28S1M4

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