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The corona situation: – Alarming numbers – get to travel to Norway

23,510 new cases of infection have been registered in the UK in the last 24 hours. In addition, 146 new corona deaths have been registered, which is the highest death toll since March 12, when the death toll was 175. Several British media outlets write, among them The Guardian and Sky News.

So far, 130,503 people have died in the country as a result of covid-19 since the pandemic broke out in early 2020.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health (DHSC) announced that 75 per cent of the adult population in the UK have now received both doses of the vaccine, and 89 per cent have received at least one dose.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson refers to this as a milestone for Britain.

– Our incredible vaccine rollout has now provided vital protection against the virus to three quarters of all adults in the UK. This is a great national achievement that we should be proud of, Johnson said in a statement, according to Sky News.

Opens for England and Wales

According to FHIs corona-reisekart the whole of Britain is dark red and Ireland is red. Nevertheless, Norway will accept corona certificates from England and Wales from 12 August. The Norwegian government writes in one press release.

This means that fully vaccinated people from there, with vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), can travel freely into Norway.

– I am glad that we now have this solution in place. Many in these countries have close connections to Norway, and now it will be easier for them to come here, says Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie in the press release.

The same applies to those who have undergone corona disease in the last six months, they also do not have to be quarantined and do not have to present a negative test.

It is expected that Northern Ireland and Scotland will also receive a corona certificate which will be verified in Norway in the near future.

– Will get the virus

According to new data from Public Health England and Cambridge University, they estimate that about 60,000 deaths, 22 million infections and 66,900 hospitalizations have been prevented thanks to the vaccine.

According to Sky News, the latest figures from Cambridge University show that fully vaccinated people are 90 per cent protected from ending up in hospital with serious illness of the delta variant, which is currently the dominant variant in the UK.

On Tuesday, Professor Andrew Pollard, head of Oxford’s vaccine group, claims that herd immunity cannot be carried out when the delta variant is still ravaging, according to The Guardian.

He describes the idea as a myth and warns that the vaccine program should not be built around the goal of achieving herd immunity.

During an informal meeting of the British Parliament on the corona situation, he said:

– We know very clearly that this current variant, the delta variant, will still infect people who have been vaccinated. This means that everyone who is still unvaccinated will get the virus, Pollard says according to Sky News.

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