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the cop, a new educational tool for middle and high schools

Photo credit: DDSP 34

National education still on the way to bringing the youth into line. Rather than strengthening the means in education, and while teachers and students alike face a catastrophic management of the health crisis, national education calls on the police to take care of the students. The national police have signed an agreement with the academy of Montpellier which will make it possible to offer an “internship” with police officers to students excluded from their establishments, reports France Blue

It is the school heads who will be able to appeal for this internship to be offered to young high school students sanctioned with exclusion in their establishment. The site of the “youth leisure center” of the national police, we display its ambition to allow the learning of “values ​​and rules of life” to young people. They also explain that the aim would be to improve relations with young people in “difficult” neighborhoods. This is not to mention that it is the same police who crisscross these neighborhoods, systematically harassing young people through racist controls that can go as far as police violence that can cause death, as was the case of Zyed and Bouna in 2005 or Adama Traoré in 2016.

Rather than putting resources into educational support by hiring teachers and education personnel on a massive scale, the national education system prefers to leave young people in the hands of the police. Already in 2018, the government was considering setting up permanent police stations in schools. which had outraged many parents of students.

The Montpellier academy therefore prefers to rely on the baton, rather than providing the means to teach and support. Faced with this, it is more than ever necessary to demand more resources in education and in public services such as health. The budget cuts carried out for years and the breakdown of public services have only worsened inequalities and accentuated educational and social difficulties for many students. Only massive recruitments and more resources in education will be able to unload the classes and better take care of the individual learning of the pupils.

This kind of measure fits well in the repressive turn that the government is putting in place and which affects national education. Last November, while they mobilized to demand real health protocols in their establishments, concerned about the health of their parents, several high school students had been clubbed and gassed. This was the case at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris but also at the Lycée Paul Éluard in Saint-Denis where 5 high school students had been violently arrested and placed in police custody after being repressed. In the same way, we remember the academy of Besançon which following the death of Samuel Paty had incited the teachers to denounce the pupils whose behavior could be compared to “the apology of terrorism” -> https: / /www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Chasse-aux-sorcieres-et-offensive-islamophobe-L-Academie-de-Besancon-appelle-les-profs-a-la-delation]…

This measure is also an attempt to restore the image of the police to young people who mobilized massively last summer against police violence and racism. These mobilizations had largely contributed to revealing the fundamentally repressive role of the police as well as its functioning.

More recently still, many young people have mobilized against the repressive and security leap of the government which is passing liberticidal and racist laws such as the global security law and the Islamophobic law on separatism. This mobilization had grown even more extensive following the racist lynching of Michel Zecler, a black music producer.

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