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The convention on the languages ​​of Brittany adopted by the regional council – Rennes

After the adoption of the State-Region plan contract, the regional councilors examined this Saturday the new convention on the transmission of the languages ​​​​of Brittany (Breton and Gallo) and the development of their use in daily life. The last one, dating from 2015, was coming to an end and the laborious negotiations with the Rectorate finally led to a new text submitted to the vote of the regional council at the beginning of the month. This provides, within six years, in particular to offer British-speaking students half of the recruitment of positions in the first degree (nursery and primary) and the creation of a preparatory science education in Breton at the Lycée de l ‘Iroise in Brest, initially able to accommodate 25 students. Today, 19,000 young people are taught Breton (bilingual French-Breton courses, in public, private and Diwan associations). The objective of this text is thus to reach 30,000 students by 2027.

“We will have to be vigilant”

A perspective that is one of the many points of “satisfaction” noted by Stéphanie Stoll of the group Nous la Bretagne (walkers and centrists). Satisfaction also for Nill Caouissin of the autonomist group Breizh a-gleiz, for whom “This convention is not the final victory, but it is a stage victory and it must be taken and validated”. “Everything is not perfect, but we can be satisfied with the progress for the Welsh language. This convention will mark a milestone. It is a first, not a last,” said Kaourintine Hulaud of the regional majority. His colleague from the same group, Paul Molac, at the initiative of the law on regional languages, recalled the difficult negotiations with the Rectorate which finally resulted in “interesting progress which goes in the right direction on the principle and on the objectives” before specifying “A swallow does not make spring and a law or an agreement will not save the regional languages ​​either… We will have to be vigilant”. If the satisfaction, more or less relative, was shared on the benches of the hemicycle, it was not the same story for the group Hissons haut la Bretagne (right and center-right): “Some explain that it It is urgent to save the regional languages, but the State does not support us honestly and sincerely in this operation of survival” explains Aurélie Martorell who specifies “this convention is not worthy of our ambition… We want more”. The formation of the regional elected member abstained during the vote on the convention which was adopted by all the other groups.

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