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The Controversy Surrounding the Theory of Evolution: Debunking the Science and Unveiling Political Manipulation

A caricature from the 1870s expressing Christian opposition to the idea that humans and apes share a common ancestor. (Image source: Public domain) It is forbidden for Chinese websites to create mirror websites.

When I was a graduate student at Texas A&M more than twenty years ago, I had the chance to studyEvolution. When studying genetic evolution, I got a conclusion that was beyond my expectations: the theory of evolution is just a hypothesis, and there is no scientific evidence to verify that this hypothesis is correct.In this sense, the theory of evolution is truefake-science. See Chinese websites prohibit the establishment of mirror sites.

When I came to this conclusion, it was a big blow to myself. Because I plan to engage in biology for the rest of my life, there is the biggest pseudoscience and lie – the theory of biological evolution. Not only biology is misled by the theory of evolution, but also archaeology, geology, anthropology, sociology and many other disciplines are misled by the hypothesis of evolution. For a while, I had a feeling of hopelessness and suffocation inside me. Once at a restaurant, I met a pastor who was studying in a seminary. I told him that the theory of evolution is wrong. He said evolution was right. Later I saw that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church also recognized and accepted the theory of evolution. I realize how dangerous this ridiculous hypothesis is! Later, I gave up my major in biology and changed to major in computer science.

More than ten years ago, I wrote about 10,000 words of evolution criticism, basically thinking from the perspective of biological science. But I realized that it was not enough to think about evolution in biological terms, and that evolution had even more impact on anthropology and sociology than it had on the biological sciences. Such a huge topic is completely beyond the scope of my professional knowledge, and I realize that I am not only facing a wrong theory, but a huge force. So I put down my pen and gave up.

Marx (the first from the left) saw that the theory of evolution was a treasure, and labeled all his theories as science, deceiving the world until today. (Web image)

For example, before the theory of evolution came out, communism was called utopian socialism. When Marx saw the publication of the theory of evolution, he was overjoyed with joy. Marx said: “Darwin’s book is very important. For me, his statement of “natural selection” laid the foundation for the “class struggle class struggle” in history.” So he labeled all his theories as science , to deceive the world, to this day.

Lenin regarded the theory of evolution as the bible. (Web image)

Lenin also regarded evolution as a bible, and the only piece of art in his office was a statue: an ape sitting on top of a stack of books including the Origin of Species is gazing at the skull of a human skeleton .

Source: The author authorizes “Looking China” to publish

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