Home » today » News » The Controversy Surrounding the Relocation of General Hong Beom-do’s Bust: Insights from Park Jong-seon, President of the Korea Military Academy Alumni Association

The Controversy Surrounding the Relocation of General Hong Beom-do’s Bust: Insights from Park Jong-seon, President of the Korea Military Academy Alumni Association

Park Jong-seon (69, reserve lieutenant general), president of the Korea Military Academy Alumni Association, repeatedly urged the relocation of the bust of General Hong Beom-do, saying, “We must be able to distinguish between those who repent and those who have not, and those who have made great contributions to the country and those who have done little.”

Chairman Park, who served as the 34th army officer, the 28th division commander and personnel commander, and the 49th military principal, explained the background of the announcement of the name of the military alumni reunion on the 31st at YTN radio ‘News King Park Ji-hoon’. ▲ Hong Beom-do in front of the Ministry of National Defense Bust Previous Review
The bust of the late General Hong Beom-do installed in front of the Ministry of National Defense building in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, on the 28th, when the Ministry of National Defense announced that it was reviewing the relocation of the bust of the late General Hong Beom-do installed in front of the Ministry of National Defense building as well as on the campus of the Military Academy, if necessary. 2023.8.28 Yonhap News
Chairman Park “General Hong, it is unreasonable to use the image of a cadet” “A cadet who has to fight communism salutes a communist” “Should military officers worship General Hong?”

President Park emphasized that “Athlete is a special purpose university to nurture elite soldiers who are loyal to the country and the people and defends the liberal democracy of the Republic of Korea.”

He continued, “The Military Academy is conducting a project to rearrange the sculptures of facilities, such as the busts of the Independence Army and the Liberation Army, in their own way. Military personnel and defense workers said they were pro-Japanese and ethnically divisive forces, and I thought it was inappropriate to see the political war leaping absurdly.”

Also, Chairman Park pointed out, “Although I am not a historian, I think more research is needed on the achievements and achievements of General Hong Beom-do.”

He said, “I do not intend to downsize or disparage General Hong Beom-do’s previous achievements, such as the Battle of Bongo-dong, and his contribution to the independence movement. He deserves respect in that respect,” but demanded that it be relocated, saying that it was unreasonable to make General Hong Beom-do, who was a member of the Soviet Army and Communist Party, the symbol of the cadets.

Chairman Park said, “General Hong Beom-do’s independence movement really deserves respect, but it is not desirable for the cadets of the military academy, who are a group that has to fight communism right now, to salute communists. He said, “Do I really have to worship him in the six temples?”

For this reason, Chairman Park added that a statement was issued in the name of the General Alumni Association urging the relocation of the bust of General Hong Beom-do. The busts of generals Hong Beom-do, Kim Jwa-jin, Ji Cheong-cheon, and Lee Beom-seok, who devoted their lives to the War of Independence, and Lee Hoi-young, who founded the Shinheung Military Academy, were made by melting 300 kg of shell casings (the equivalent of 50,000 rounds of rifle bullets) trained by soldiers. 2018.3.1. Seoul Shinmun DB ▲ Busts of five heroes of the Korean War of Independence installed at the Korea Military Academy on March 1, 2018. From left, General Hong Beom-do, General Ji Cheong-cheon, Shinheung Military Academy founder Lee Hoi-young, General Lee Beom-seok, and General Kim Jwa-jin. The bust was made by melting 300kg of bullet casings used by Korean soldiers for training. This is equivalent to 50,000 rounds of 5.56 mm ammunition. At the time of the unveiling ceremony in 2018, the army explained, “The Independence Army fought poorly equipped with guns and live ammunition, but it is to remember that the army, born of their sacrifice, is fully armed and defends the country.” 2018.3.1 Provided by Korea Military Academy
“The position of the six alumni is similar… “I didn’t know when it was installed in 2018” “I know that there was a lot of internal opposition, such as faculty at the time” “In 1991, when Korea-Soviet diplomatic relations were established, General Hong would not have been aware of the history of General Hong”

It is safe to say that the position of the alumni of the Yuksa is similar to the name, but Chairman Park said, “Since there are close to 20,000 members, there can be various positions. However, most of the graduates of the military school have similar thoughts. I have been contacted by many graduates, and it is judged that most of them have the same idea.”

When asked if he had no position at the time of the bust installation in 2018, he explained, “At the time, neither alumni nor the General Alumni Association knew about the installation.” However, he said, “I know that there was a lot of opposition from the faculty during the internal opinion gathering.”

At the same time, he repeatedly insisted that there was no disagreement between the alumni of the Korean Army about General Hong Beom-do’s communist history, although no one else knew.

President Park Chung-hee’s government and other successive governments issued medals, the Park Geun-hye government launched the Hong Beom-do ship, and the Moon Jae-in government returned the remains. Korea-Soviet diplomatic ties were established in 1991 during the Roh Tae-woo administration.”

Chairman Park said, “During the Park Jeong-hee administration, when General Hong Beom-do was first awarded with a medal, the background of General Hong Beom-do as a member of the Communist Party was not well known.
On the 70th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice and the 3rd anniversary of General Paik Seon-yeop, the unveiling ceremony of the statue of the late General Paik Seon-yeop (1920-2020) was held at the Dabudongjeok Memorial Hall in Chilgok-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do on the afternoon of the 5th. Paik Nam-hee, the eldest daughter of General Baek, Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Park Min-shik, Gyeongbuk Governor Lee Chul-woo, National Power Representative Yoon Jae-ok, and General Baek Seon-yeop Memorial Foundation Chairman Kim Kwan-jin are unveiling the statue. 2023.7.5 News 1
“Right now it is premature to replace the bust, a national consensus must be formed” “General Baek Seon-yeop deserves the respect of cadets” “Even Jesus forgives if he repents… General Hong remains communist until the end”

Regarding the observation that a plan to install a bust of General MacArthur or General Seon-yeop Baek in the place where the bust of General Hong Beom-do used to be was being reviewed, he said, “I have not heard anything at all.” He also said, “We need to form more national consensus. It is premature,” he said.

At the same time, Chairman Park insisted that “General Paik Seon-yeop deserves the respect of the cadets.”

Regarding General Baek Seon-yeop’s history of pro-Japanese pro-Japanese history (service in the Gando Special Expeditionary Force in the Manchurian Army, etc.), he ordered that “even Jesus looked after him when he repented,” and ordered that General Baek repent of his pro-Japanese actions and save the country during the Korean War should be evaluated.

Chairman Park said, “General Hong Beom-do joined the Soviet Communist Party in 1927 and maintained his party membership until his death in 1943, while receiving a pension from the Soviet Union. On the other hand, General Baek Seon-yeop served as an executive in the Japanese army for a few years in his early 20s, but after liberation, he did a revolutionary job in establishing the Korean military and saved the country even during the Korean War,” he emphasized.

Then, he said, “Isn’t Jesus going to look after you if you repent?” and added, “We should be able to distinguish between those who repent and those who have not, and those who have made great contributions to the country and those who have done little.”
Park Jong-seon (69), Army Reserve Lieutenant General, was inaugurated as the 15th President of the Military Academy Alumni Association on the 10th. His term is 2 years. The new chairman Park Jong-sun, who was appointed in the 34th Army Corps, served as the 28th division commander, personnel commander, and military principal. 2023.1.10 Provided by the 6th Alumni Association

Reporter Kwon Yoon-hee

2023-08-31 03:12:27
#President #Yuksa #General #Alumni #Association #Jesus #forgives #repents #Baek #Seonyeop #repented #Hong #Beomdo #claim #Seoul #Times

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