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The Controversy Surrounding the Register of Drug Dealers: A Question of Effectiveness and Priority

Photo BGNES, archive

A register of drug dealers is the new hit that the state offers in the fight against drug distribution.

Interesting idea, I thought that drug dealers should not be registered, but in another institution where Bai Stavri is strict but fair /fans of “Dangerous Charm” and Todor Kolev know what I am quoting/.

After all, the police are already overworked impounding cars from drunk drivers, rounding up neighborhood chicken thieves—why not just put drug dealers in a registry that, mind you, school principals will have access to. God knows why. They cannot, as the director of the 119th SU Diyan Stamatov stated to Dnes.bg, release them from school if they are not their students, and they will have difficulty reporting to the police if they are not on their territory. Even if they are their students, they will first have to offer them support from a psychologist until they talk to at least a dozen other classmates, sharing how they were traumatized at home.

Moreover, the drug dealer is no longer someone who lurks in the bushes next to the school and that most of these deals are done over the Internet. “For me, this is just PR, from which nothing will come,” commented Stamatov.

And I remembered another case of a teacher I know – the kid sold, but smoked some of the drugs and covered himself, and he didn’t appear in class for at least a month, but the teachers were instructed not to write him absent because “the money follows the student “. It wasn’t until he was declared a national wanted man and the police called that they were coming to the school, that teachers were rushed to report the boy’s absences, shortly before he was arrested.

“The next step should be for drug dealers to enter themselves in the register, so as not to make it difficult for the state authorities… Another issue is that in recent years, the trade has mainly been done via the Internet or between friends. The bad dealer with a grinder, hidden in the bushes of the school yard, has long been a mythology…”, commented the doctor of people with addictions from Radnevo, doctor Ivan Dobrinov.

“Has anyone thought about what will be done next with the youth who use and distribute at the same time, those who are addicted and need treatment? Mainly the smallest unfortunates will be caught, which are the last link in the chain. And now many of the distributors and users are known, but there are no subsequent effective measures against them. The Ministry of Education and Culture continues to “collect all available materials on the subject of drugs – information brochures, videos, films, methodical manuals, programs for working with students, etc.,” I respect their collecting passion, but this does not make any sense! Again I remembered a favorite sentence: “Let’s stop fighting for cleanliness and start sweeping!”.

The bad thing is that those who want to sweep are few, and those who want to make registers, presentations and brochures are far more.

And somehow they don’t notice the kids on scooters, who periodically visit the same spots – they even encourage scooter riding, because it spares the air over Sofia. Because the writers of pamphlets and the organizers of “plant a rose, don’t touch drugs” campaigns have no idea about the real problems of drug distribution, which are not only faced by schools.

By the way, have you noticed how many people voluntarily sign up for the register of gambling addicts or how many read the slogan of the lottery “Play responsibly” before they play 20-30 combinations and leave their salary in a casino.
The next bureaucratic idea will be on the register of drug dealers to write “Drug responsibly!” Study chemistry!”
And they will certainly take money for some project.

Working on the post:

2023-10-03 14:38:00

#hit #drug #dealers #register #school #Bai #Stavri

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