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The Controversy Surrounding the New ‘Munari’ Gym in West Park Raises Doubts and Opposition Amongst Residents

The “wall against wall” continues regarding the construction of the new “Munari” gym in the west park: not even the press conference of the mayor Marco Scaramellini (and of the two councilors Del Marco and Diasio) on Friday with further clarifications on the project and the presentation of some renderings was also enough to dispel the doubts and opposition to the project of the citizens who live in the neighborhood and who have collected as many as 600 signatures against the construction of the structure.

Indeed, the further clarifications by the municipal council and the images shown have raised further perplexities in the residents (at least in those who do not want the gym).

“During the press conference of last July 21, the municipal administration provided some clarifications on the disputed project to build a gymnasium in the west park of Sondrio; according to what emerged from the local media, the purpose of the meeting would have been to refute the perplexities regarding the project contained in the petition signed by 600 citizens – considered by the mayor to be irrelevant and indeed misleading – and at the same time to allow the community to fully evaluate the goodness of the work, finally deployed in its main elements in a perspective of “transparency” (all, moreover, with a resolution already approved …) – write the citizens opposed to the project -. The signatories of the petition feel the duty to counter the observations of the municipal administration; firstly in the free and genuine exercise of their right to criticize (free – it is repeated – from any exploitation) and secondly as persons called into question in the context of a communication which, although directly involving them, took place without contradiction”.

As far as we are concerned, the transparency operation must be considered a failure, and not only due to the absence of debate and the opaqueness that characterized the entire evolution of the project but also due to the incompleteness of the information provided to citizens – on the occasion of a press conference which was intended to clarify and dispel any doubts – the residents continue -. Symptomatic of this is the fact that the rendering of the new gymnasium does not provide any visual evidence of the new car parks (23 parking spaces) that will be created, of the method of access to the small square that will be built at the end of via Venusti (which continues to be a private street); so no environmental impact? Also in the rendering made available, all the trees present on site still appear, and nothing is said about their future fate; can it therefore be assumed that they will survive the euphemistically defined interventions of “redevelopment” of the area, promised (or threatened…) by the municipal administration?”.

“The basic questions repeatedly formulated by the signatories of the petition remain unanswered, aimed at ascertaining the reliability, credibility and coherence of the choices made by the Municipality, namely: has a documented analysis of the costs/benefits underlying the construction been elaborated? Are data available attesting the real level of use of the existing gyms? Have alternative scenarios been prepared for the construction of a new building in a green area, aiming instead at improving the structures already in place? be or to the building in a less sensitive urban area? What documented evidence shows that the new gymnasium responds to a need really felt by the school complex concerned? – ask the residents -. During the press conference, the mayor limited himself to reporting that many citizens would have asked for the construction of the new structure. This is evidently a statement which, if not supported by solid analyzes of feasibility and compatibility also from an environmental point of view, would not be sufficient to justify the project, at least in its current configuration; just as completely apodictic is the affirmation, repeated several times, that the new traffic flows induced by the gym will not create obstacles for the residents from a logistical point of view (perhaps this is why the rendering does not even show the access routes to the gym?…). In conclusion, it is not clear how the information disclosed so far can put the community in a position to consciously evaluate the usefulness of a work which appears to be the result of a confused and inadequately documented decision-making process and which involves an inappropriate consumption of public land without generating any demonstrated benefit for the community”.

2023-07-24 11:27:57
#gym #Sondrio #Transparency #operation #failed

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