Home » today » World » The Controversial Movement “Vote for Hong Kong” and Its Connection with UK and US Politics

The Controversial Movement “Vote for Hong Kong” and Its Connection with UK and US Politics

I still remember those years when pan-democrats and radicals cleverly played electoral games and used political fanaticism to win votes, then influence the political situation and move towards seizing power. In today’s Hong Kong, this chaos is no longer seen, but unwilling “players” want to repeat the same tricks in the UK. Recently, they launched a movement called “Vote for Hong Kong” (VOTE4HK) to encourage people to immigrate to BNO Hong Kong. People are voting in the British general election next year, hoping to become a political force, influence China policy, and promote sanctions on Hong Kong. However, new immigrants in Hong Kong are generally apathetic towards participating in British politics. It will be difficult for “players” to become popular if they continue to use the same old routines.

A group of former Hong Kong political figures, including several wanted criminals, launched the “Vote for Hong Kong” campaign to encourage BNO Hong Kong people to vote in next year’s British general election. The launch was announced at the Parliament Building recently.

The UK will hold a general election in the second half of next year. The Conservative Party is in a bad situation and will face challenges from the Labor Party and the Liberal Democrats. A group of exiles who still believe that “votes can be used to influence politics” believe that Hong Kong immigrants have more than 100,000 votes. If everyone works together, they can force the politicians running for elections to conform to their positions and adopt a tough attitude towards China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

They then established a preparatory committee for the “Vote for Hong Kong” campaign to encourage BNO Hong Kong people to participate in the vote. They recently announced the start of the campaign at the Parliament Building and invited several cross-party members to cheer.

If you look at the list of members of the organizing committee, you will know where these people come from. One of the main figures is Cheng Man-kit, who founded the “British Hong Kong Overseas Chinese Association” in the UK. He once served at the British Consulate General in Hong Kong. He was arrested in the Mainland during the anti-extradition bill. After returning to Hong Kong, he left for the UK and was immediately granted political support by the British government. Asylum, he later formed the “Hong Kong Council” with Yuan Gongyi to prepare for a global vote for Hong Kong people. He was wanted by the police for violating the Hong Kong National Security Law.

Lee Wing-tat, a former leader of the Democratic Party and former member of the Legislative Council, went to the UK “quickly” and was one of the organizers of this movement.

Another organizing committee member is Lee Yong-tat, a former leader of the Democratic Party and former legislator. He “walks fast and loves the world”. He escaped from the UK before the police took action and narrowly avoided jail. There is also a wanted person on the preparatory committee, the former Wong Tai Sin District Councilor and former Deputy Secretary-General of the Civic Party, Liu Jiawen. She was wanted by the Independent Commission Against Corruption in 2021 for calling for a boycott of the Legislative Council election and suspected of illegally affecting the election.

Also participating in the preparatory committee work was the pro-Hong Kong organization “Hong Kong Watch”, whose spokesman Rogers was in collusion with a group of anti-China “hawkish” politicians (including the last Hong Kong Governor Patten), who has always been strongly hostile to the Hong Kong SAR. Listed on the sanctions list by the Chinese government.

From the background of this group of people, we can know that they are not simply encouraging Hong Kong immigrants to join the local life and fulfill their civic obligations to participate in voting. There is actually a political agenda behind it, which is to move closer to the powerful in certain constituencies where Hong Kong people are concentrated. The candidates sent a message that if they want to be elected with the votes of Hong Kong people, they must follow their wishes and not be soft on China and the Hong Kong SAR.

The calculation of these people is that the votes of Hong Kong immigrants are not insignificant. If deployed well, they may affect the outcome of the battle in some constituencies, because a candidate can win with nearly 10,000 votes. If the elected congressman is a dark horse in politics and rises rapidly within the party, becomes a minister, or even joins the cabinet, then he will win the Jackpot!

The problem is that many people who immigrated to Hong Kong have lost interest in politics after a lot of hard work. Even if they are still a little enthusiastic, they have too many worries in life and have no intention of playing this game anymore. Therefore, recent polls show that new immigrants in Hong Kong are quite indifferent to local politics and have no interest in local politics. Naturally, they are not enthusiastic about voting. This can be seen from the fact that the number of participants in the political rallies organized by “Huang Friends” has been decreasing year by year in recent years.

Therefore, this “Vote for Hong Kong” movement is likely to be louder than rain. However, the threat posed by this group of people, who are closely connected with British politicians and connected with local latent organizations in Hong Kong, cannot be underestimated and must be paid close attention to.

Tokito Monogatari

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As mentioned above, shortly after the outbreak of the black violence in 2019, Joshua Wong was revealed to have a secret meeting with the Director of the Political Department of the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong at the Marriott Hotel, and also had a separate room with the Consul General, which shows that the two parties have been closely connected for a long time. Friends in political circles dug deeper into the connections between several US consuls general in Hong Kong and the opposition, and found that they all had one thing in common, that is, they all had deep friendships with Jimmy Lai. As the saying goes, they were friends with each other. Of course, it was not just friendship, but It’s a close alliance.

When Yang Soudi served as the U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong, he had frequent contacts with Jimmy Lai, and they often met with opposition figures for dinner. Before coming to Hong Kong, he served as the U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan (centre), where he participated in planning the local “Tulip Revolution” and has extensive experience in conducting color revolutions.

The interactions between the U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong and Jimmy Lai have not been made public for many years. It was not until a batch of his internal communications were exposed in 2014 that the outside world got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg. One of the emails was written to him by the former Consul General in Hong Kong, Guo Minghan. The tone was very reminiscent of an old friend. There was a passage in it that revealed a secret: “I recently learned from Yang Sudi (another former Consul General) that you have recently Dining with Lee Kwok-po, Martin Lee, and Anson Chan in Hong Kong is really jealous… I miss the days when we often had dinner together… I understand that the political environment you are currently facing is getting worse and worse, and I wish you the best. Be well.” Guo Minghan served as the U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong from 2005 to 2008. When he sent this email to Li, he was serving as the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan.

Jimmy Lai had friendships with Yang So-di’s predecessors and successors. Xia Qianfu, who succeeded Yang So-di, visited Li at the Next Media headquarters shortly after the incident, and then made remarks in support of “real universal suffrage.”

After checking the confidential documents, it was found that in March 2014, Yang Soudi had dinner with Jimmy Lai and the above-mentioned people at the top Italian restaurant “8 and a Half” in Central. What they discussed was unknown to the outside world. From what Minghan Kuo said in his email, it can be seen that Lai and the US Consul in Hong Kong often drank and chatted, and the “8 and a half” gathering was obviously just one of many similar dinners.

It seems that it was no accident that Yang Su-di was sent to Hong Kong during that time. Not only was he a veteran in Taiwan affairs, he also served as ambassador to the Central Asian country Kyrgyzstan. During his tenure, there were many turmoils and political turmoil in the country, and the pro-American and pro-Russian camps were fighting. Colorful. Former Legislative Council Chairman Joseph Tsang’s book “Eight Years of Chairman” revealed that Yang Soudi personally told him that when he was ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, the U.S. government provided financial support and talent training to the local “democratic forces” and launched the “Tulip” “Revolution” that overthrew the authoritarian government, Yang made no secret of this. After listening to this, Tsang Yu-cheng felt deeply that there were large-scale demonstrations for “real universal suffrage” in Hong Kong. How could the United States stand by and watch?

Yang Soudi and his predecessors obviously used the same routine, which was to cultivate and support a group of “democratic forces” that advocated American politics, including various people, such as Jimmy Lai, who has media and political influence. Naturally, he became the primary target of attracting people, and it was no problem to meet up frequently to have dinner and wine. In comparison, Joshua Wong only plays a small role.

This explains why in April 2009, the newly appointed U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong, Joseph Tong, expressed to Jimmy Lai’s right-hand man, Mark Simon, that he wanted to have dinner with Jimmy Lai shortly after his arrival. As soon as Yang Soudi’s successor, Xia Qianfu, came to Hong Kong to take over, Jimmy Lai took the initiative to invite him to meet at the Next Media headquarters, and he happily accepted. Later, he publicly stated that he hoped that the opposition could participate in the universal election of the chief executive in 2017 and supported Hong Kong’s gradual achievement of true universal suffrage.

Several U.S. consuls general in Hong Kong have been working diligently for more than 10 years. In 2019, the showdown finally came. The U.S. government, Jimmy Lai, and rebels such as Joshua Wong, etc., all placed heavy bets on the gamble. The latter two were in person shortly after the riots broke out. When he went to the United States to meet with dignitaries, Lebanese met with the “Big Three” including Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Pompeo, and National Security Advisor John Bolton in one go.

I don’t need to explain what happened next, everyone is familiar with it. Recently, an American reporter revealed that the US government refused to grant Joshua Wong political asylum and even refused to let him in through the consulate door, treating him as an abandoned pawn. Looking at the big picture, in the current atmosphere of Sino-US relations, will the US make efforts to “rescue Lebanon”? , is a question mark.

The so-called “friendship” between successive consuls general and Jimmy Lai is, in the final analysis, just a relationship of use and being used. How can it last forever? The person being exploited can only blame himself for being too crazy.

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2023-11-13 11:37:41

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