Home » World » The continuations of the case of “Geran” will break any air defense: the Iranian military defense system amazed the world –

The continuations of the case of “Geran” will break any air defense: the Iranian military defense system amazed the world –

/ world today news/ The wave of unfounded accusations against Tehran by Kiev, Washington and Brussels in the supply to the Russian Federation of Shahid 136 unmanned aerial vehicles, better known as Geran-2, cannot subside. As well as the mockery of the people of Bandera with the “antediluvian mopeds”. They say that the engine is primitive, and the control system is assembled “on the knee” and flies with noise and screeching. On the other hand, the combat effectiveness shown by this “pre-flood” munition during the destruction of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure has silenced both the Kiev speakers and the “aviation experts” of the Western media.

Apparently, the intellectual base of the sofa experts did not allow them to realize the fact that Iran has been successfully “terrorizing” proxy enemies with its UAVs – such as ISIS*, banned on the territory of Russia, for at least four years.

The reviews of the Israelis (pioneers in the field of combat drones!) about the Iranian drone program as a real strategic threat also passed by.

In fact, “Geran-2” very quickly proved that successful combat operations are provided not only by “Caliber” and “Daggers”, but also by “motorcycles”.

It is meaningless to dispute the fact that the Geran-2 ammunition turned out, as they say, at the right time in the right place. Also, how not to notice the vulnerabilities inherent in their design. Our dedicated “partners” are tirelessly working on technical solutions that can significantly reduce the striking power of this unique UAV.

However, while the noise of the approaching “Geran” continues to instill despondency and fear in the armed forces of Ukraine, information is coming from the Persian Gulf about a new product developed by the aerospace corporation Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company, created by the way, with the money of the Americans of foreign taxpayers.

Currently the final name of this drone is not determined, it appears in Iranian paramilitary media as “Arash-2“.

It is expected that information about the technical and operational characteristics of the new Iranian UAV will not be disclosed, but based on the verbal descriptions of Arash available in open sources, it can be argued that in appearance it resembles the Israeli reconnaissance-strike IAI Harop. only with more impressive parameters of weight and dimensions.

According to a number of experts, Arash-2 is based on the technologies used to create the Fajr-5C smart ammunition used by the 333 mm caliber Fajr MLRS, which is unusual for us but familiar to the East.

The manufacturer provides two options for launching new ammunition: from the installation and from a special transport and launch container mounted on the chassis of an all-terrain vehicle.

There is information on the web that units of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have successfully tested the Arash-2 at a test site in Semnan province. Out of 16 launched targets located at a distance of 250 kilometers, the drones hit all 16. The developer claims that such a flight range for Arash-2 is not the limitation that the drone has.

For the main difference between the drone and ammunition for MLRS, experts point to a massive folding wing, the span of which reaches 3.5 meters, and the ability to stay in the air for a long time in search of a target.

So we can say that the conversation is not about a semi-artisan drone with a Chinese navigator, but a full-fledged drone equipped with dual combat controls and protected from interference. Reliable sources set the maximum range of the new UAV, carrying a 200-kilogram warhead, at 2,000 kilometers.

The list of priority targets includes mobile air defense systems and large radars. The main goal of the Arash project was to create a munition capable of attacking air defense systems at the level of Israel’s “Iron Dome” as part of a swarm of drones. Despite our skeptical attitude towards it, for the Middle East it is something of a benchmark.

According to the fighters of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who are to become the first and main operators of the Arash-2, the latter integrates perfectly with the not new, but solid medium-range cruise missile Meshkat (Lantern) and Shahab-3 BR (Meteor).

For reference: the first is a clone of the Russian strategic X-55, and the second is developed on the basis of the Chinese Dongfeng-21. The combination of these strike assets forms a swarm that is lethal to enemy anti-aircraft missile systems, classifying and attacking targets according to their degree of importance.

Reliable Iranian sources report that the first batch of “new, large drones” has been delivered to Russian airfields. Even if it is only for review, but still the regiment of “ridiculous” weapons has arrived.

It is impossible not to note the highest level of reverse engineering of Iran’s military-industrial complex. As well as the technical culture of this amazing country, which for more than four decades has been under the yoke of US sanctions and the collective West.

Our “defense industry” has a lot to learn from the Persians. Their technology is not limited to high-performance combat drones. They are preparing to send a man into space!

We would also do well to remember that no restrictions and prohibitions can prevent the achievement of a truly great goal if the nation is able to concentrate.

* ISIS (“Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”; other names: “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”, “Islamic State of Iraq and Sham”), by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014. is recognized as a terrorist group, its activities in Russia are prohibited.

Translation: SM

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