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the consumption of sleeping pills and tranquilizers increase at the end of the containment

<h2 class="canvas-atom-canvas-text-Mb(1.0 em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8 em)–sm" type="text" content="SLEEP – Hard night for the French at this time.“data-reactid=”19”>SLEEP – Hard night for the French at this time.

Ah, that terrible feeling when the eyelids are heavy, but we can’t sleep, laid up in bed in an insomnia without reason, with the brain that carbide high speed and test all of our lives (yes it has happened to us recently, it shows that much ?)… The consumption of sleeping pills and tranquilizers has increased in France at the end of the confinement, and just after its removal, which is most likely related to “anxiety” caused by the epidemic of Covid-19, according to an official report published on Friday.

Among the fifty classes of drugs studied, hypnotics (commonly referred to as sleeping pills) are those whose consumption increased the most during the first week after the lifting of the confinement on the 11th of may (+6.9% compared to the expected level estimated on the basis of the same period in 2018 and 2019).

Antidepressants do have them not increase

<p class="canvas-atom-canvas-text-Mb(1.0 em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8 em)–sm" type="text" content="This increase amounted to +8 %, +8 % and +5 % during the last three weeks of the confinement. Same observation, but to a lesser degree, for the anxiolytics (tranquilizers), with +1.2% in just after the confinement. "As several surveys have pointed out, the containment and its consequences in social, professional and economic could lead to sleep disorders and anxiety ", point out the authors of the report, published by the Agency of the drug (MSNA) and the health Insurance(…)

Read more about 20minutes” data-reactid=”23″>The increase amounted to +8 %, +8 % and +5 % during the last three weeks of the confinement. Same observation, but to a lesser degree, for the anxiolytics (tranquilizers), with +1.2% in just after the confinement. “As several surveys have pointed out, the containment and its consequences in social, professional and economic could lead to sleep disorders and anxiety “, point out the authors of the report, published by the Agency of the drug (MSNA) and the health Insurance(…)

Read more about 20minutes

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