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The Conspiracy Behind the Series ‘Friends’: A PR Move to Boost Ratings and Fuel Impeachment Talks

The series “Friends”, played by Boyko, Peevski and Radev, warming up the audience for possible impeachment, is actually a concerted PR action by Saraite and Bankya to boost the waning ratings of “Dondukov 2” with “Rosenets”-type scenes.

For more aplomb, the Sarai activated their on-duty idle spokesmen Passi, Keremidchiev, Sevlievski and the bone GRU by-products Zapryanov, Sabev, Georgiev and other high-strung ex-carriers of lampazis and epaulettes.

This is how the businessman Ivaylo Drazhev commented to the PIK on the latest current events in domestic politics.

“The unrepentant Moni Passi killed the fish with another dupedav joke, comparing a drug-addicted clown and an offshore billionaire, who destroyed the country and his people, with the Bulgarian saint Vasil Levski”, he commented on the scandalous appearance of the former foreign minister on BNT.

“The DPS-jumped “Capital” circle, for its part, is mobilizing all its media resources to fuel the anti-Russian hysteria,” he added.

“Of course, already 3 years ago, we from “My Country Bulgaria” stated that Radev should be removed, but not because of his alleged role as a pro-Russian agent of influence. Impeachment can be initiated because of corruption related to NEK, “Bulgargaz”. BEH, “Botash” and thousands of transactions and repairs of API and MRRB in the mold of GERB with in-house robbery. The problem in this case is that “The thief calls catch the thief” or more precisely, that the ruling majority GERB/DPS/PPDB is also all the more corrupted by the silks and Radev”, our interlocutor also stated.

“Meanwhile, the investigations against the mayors of Varna, Plovdiv, Burgas and Stara Zagora are in the freezer and at the current temporary headquarters in the chief prosecutor’s office under the auspices of the presidency, in combination with the partners from Saraite and Rosenets. In Sofia, the alush-verish with Borisov is at the final and after the granting of a concession to the Council of Ministers – “Dondukov” 1 now and the municipal “Moscowska” 33 will be given to Prokopi and Kostov against “Magnitsky” a peace of mind fee”, said Drazhev.

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2023-07-11 18:23:16

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