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The Consequences of Unpaid Car Insurance: Penalties, Risks, and Legal Consequences

Car insurance is coverage, or rather, a fundamental basis for guaranteeing road safety and the protection of motorists and third parties. However, in some cases, the failure to pay the policy, especially since the tacit renewal was abolished by law – since 2012. Therefore, more freedom for motorists, but also more responsibility and attention to deadlines. What happens, in fact, if the car insurance is not paid? Penalties and risks are regulated by law and it is important to know them to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Unpaid car insurance: what happens?

Il failure to renew car insurance after the deadline it can happen for many reasons. The first is certainly linked to forgetfulness and disorganization, although an expense such as personal car insurance is one of the items that makes itself felt most in terms of the family financial budget.

And, precisely in matters of family economics, another reason could be precisely that of the hunt for savings, the need to snatch the lowest possible estimate, which often makes a difference when you are about to renew your insurance. In this sense, comparators of quotes and sector offers come to the rescue. For example, on Facile.it you can sign up for your own in just a few clicks online car insurancesearching among the various proposals of insurance companies for the cheapest one for your specific situation, even before the coverage expires.

A different matter, however, for those who have to sell a car, scrap it or demolish it. In these cases, the delay in paying the policy – or non-payment – is conditioned by other purposes. But not without risks. Yes, because when it comes to non-payment of car insurance, for any reason, the consequences can be serious, not only due to the associated penalties. Here comes to the rescue 15 day tolerance; in fact, after the expiry date of the policy, you have 15 days to choose a new contract, without losing the Auto TPL guarantee. Let’s be clear, forbearance is only guaranteed on Civil Liability and not on other coverages or premiums applies exclusively to annual policiesregardless of whether payment is more or less deferred.

Insurance paid late: penalties and consequences

Once the 15 days of grace have passed, in the event of an accident with expired insurance, the driver finds himself in a delicate situation. Without insurance coverage, he will have to personally deal with the material damage not medical expenses, as well as possible legal action. Car insurance is a crucial element in these situations, as it covers damage caused to third parties, guaranteeing essential financial protection, not only personal but also for the community.

L’article 193 of the Highway Code he is very clear about this. To be able to circulate, each vehicle must be covered by a third party insurance policy. Otherwise, the administrative sanction arrives: starting from 866 euros up to a maximum of 3464 euros. Furthermore, if you repeat the same offense twice in two years, the amount of the fine can be doubled, with the further risk of having your license suspended for up to two months. In extreme situations, Italian law even provides for the possibility of seize the vehicle in the event that the insurance has not been regularly paid. The seizure is a formal act that prevents the circulation of the car until the situation is regularized.

On the other hand, in the eyes of the law, unpaid or expired insurance is equivalent to ano insurance. Late payment of car insurance – always beyond the grace period, of course – can still guarantee a softening of the penalty. In fact, the fine is reduced if the owner proceeds to demolish the vehicle within one month of the confirmed violation or if he takes out a new policy, in any case no later than 30 days after the expiry of the previous contract.

Failure to pay one or more car insurance installments: is there a difference with the deadline?

When it comes to non-payment of a car insurance instalment, it is essential to distinguish between different situations. In the case of annual insurance in installments, the lack of coverage occurs only if the entire policy has not been paid within the overall deadline. If, however, it is the failure to pay a single instalmentthe contract may be suspended until payment is regularized.

Those who choose a deferred payment (usually 2 installments of 6 months, or with monthly payment), in fact, in addition to the expiry of the insurance period, must also check the deadlines of the intermediate installments. Only in this way is it possible avoid suspensionwhich usually lasts until the day after the policyholder pays the amount due, considering that the policy is never retroactive.

However, it is important to check the specific conditions of each individual insurance, as some companies may have different policies. In general, failure to regularize payment may result in financial penalties and, if delays persist, thecancellation of the policy.

Obviously, there is also a risk of sanctions and confiscations. Italian law clearly establishes that car insurance must be constantly updated and valid to drive legally. Therefore, it is essential for motorists to meet payment deadlines and keep their insurance in good standing, even if the car they own is not on the road. From last December 23, 2023in fact, it took off the obligation to have insurance coverage even for stationary vehicles. Therefore, if you own a vehicle with expired insurance that you keep in a private parking space, in a garage or in another closed and non-public place, the risk of incurring penalties or criminal and administrative consequences is still present.

2024-01-23 13:15:00
#Unpaid #car #insurance #consequences

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