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The Consequences of Rarely Drinking Water: Risk of Dialysis Therapy (Hemodialysis) for Young Individuals

RADAR-If you have a habit of rarely drinking water, you should stop now. The consequences are quite fatal, even though you are still young, you are at risk of dialysis therapy (hemodialysis)!

This risk was conveyed by doctor RA Adaninggar Primaria Nariswari, Technical Staff for Health Transformation Communication at the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

“Usually young patients undergo dialysis because they don’t like or rarely drink water,” said doctor Ningz, his nickname, as reported by Antara.

He made this statement at an online interview regarding habits that cause dialysis, which was held online, Wednesday (18/10).

Doctor Ningz explained that the habit of rarely drinking water can cause inflammation of the kidneys. The initial risk is diabetes which will later impact kidney function.

Kidneys that have lost their function, he said, result in a person having to undergo dialysis therapy to restore their quality of life. That’s because blood that is dirty and not filtered through the kidneys can reduce a person’s quality of life.

“If the kidneys don’t function, it will disrupt the body’s metabolism. The waste doesn’t come out of the body, so it’s like poisoning,” said the public health practitioner.

Although the function of the kidneys in purifying the blood can be replaced by dialysis therapy, Ningz explains other kidney functions, starting from the formation of hormones and enzymes that are good for the body. The formation of hormones and enzymes cannot be replaced by tools.

“So even though you can work again, it’s still not as optimal as people who don’t do dialysis,” he said.

Ningz said that kidney damage is generally asymptomatic. Because of this, many people are not aware that their kidneys are in the final stage of damage.

He explained that generally kidney damage is caused by uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension due to a number of risk factors. These include an unhealthy lifestyle, incorrect food patterns and types, unbalanced food composition, rarely doing physical activity and smoking.

Therefore, he appealed to the public to always be aware of the condition of their kidneys so that they don’t get damaged.

It is no less important to be aware of diabetes and hypertension by recognizing the risk factors, so that the body remains healthy and does not undergo dialysis therapy.

“Don’t be arrogant at a young age. Because there are a lot of young people who are sick. So don’t think that you are still young and think you are free from disease, that’s not true,” said Ningz. (ds)

2023-10-19 01:06:00
#Beware #Rarely #Drink #Water #Ministry #Health #Consequences #Bleeding #Radar #Tuban #Radar #Tuban

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