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The confusing cases of Covid-19 in Rayados de Monterrey

When you are not careful or tactful to say things, when you think that all the topics that you are asked or that come out in a press conference deserve a raucous and populace response, mistakes are made that —even if they want to excuse them or are justified as something minor— always reveal the lack of preparation that exists to handle them.

This has been in evidence once again with Javier Aguirre, Monterrey coach, to whom the issue of the coronavirus pandemic does not seem to cause the need to be careful in what he says and what he does. That is why before yesterday’s game against Cruz Azul at the Azteca Stadium, in the previous conference, he made another serious mistake in his management and that it has nothing to do with what happens on the field, as happened with his two other great mistakes in front of the Rayados:

Aguirre seems not to measure the scope of his words or the concepts he throws in his answers. He did not measure the scandal that could be generated by ensuring that one of his players had Covid-19 And so, without further ado, he said it:

“Duvan [Vergara] he had Covid, he was not in Mazatlán … I had to throw him to the lions, because he had no chances ”, those were the words of the Monterrey coach, the same person who was sanctioned for breaking the protocol of Liga MX when attending a party in the middle of the tournament and who, at the time, again without realizing it, accepted that he had players who had tested positive for the game against America from the last tournament.

After the outrage he said in relation to Duván, the directive had to go out to wash the error and explain again that the Colombian did not play on Matchday 3 against Mazatlán, because he presented some symptoms, which although it is true they activated the protocol, then it was only a flu picture and he obtained a negative test, so he returned to activity the next game against, curiously, Cruz Azul in the Concachampions. However, while that was happening, while the explanation of the directive was coming, Monterrey was once again in the spotlight for another possible mishandling of a Covid contagion, as happened in February of this year, and all because their coach could not explain Or is it that he flatly does not understand what a pandemic is about.

Again, this character whose statements are not as clear or confused too much, to later have to be rescued by his bosses, either publicly with statements or interviews, or trying to fix things with calls to the newsrooms, when what they should do is avoid these errors at the source.

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