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The conditions that América gave Renato Ibarra to register him

Writing Passion Águila –

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

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The theme of Renato Ibarra It has been very complicated for him America, because an extra-court situation and in which the Club could do nothing ended up affecting the sporting and economic planning. Now, months after the incident, various circumstances would make the Ecuadorian play again with the Eagles shirt, something that was thought would not happen again, although yes, the directive was very clear and is not willing to tolerate the most minimal impact on the club’s image.

While Renato was never a particularly aggressive player or dirty on the court, he was conditioned by the slightest sign of violence both on the court and off it, so, according to the journalist Ruben Rodriguez of Fox Sports, at the first indiscipline, act of family violence or any action that could tarnish the image of the Eagles, he will be discharged immediately, a condition that Ibarra accepted, in addition of course to continue in therapies and awareness talks about the violence to women.

The Ecuadorian will be registered due to the injury of Leo Suarez, who plays precisely as a winger on the right, a position that Santiago Solari he had already publicly asked to reinforce. Therefore, he has a free way in sports to be the undisputed starter, leaving him the possibility of seeing minutes and becoming a stalwart of the Indiecito.

Ibarra could see action in tonight’s game against Braves of Juarez, so without a doubt the eyes of Mexican soccer will be on that game, whether to speak for or against, something that America’s fans have been used to for many years.

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