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The Conditions of the Earth in the Past were Different from Now, More Extreme!

The situation on the ancient Earth was different. Yes, the ancient Earth and today are no longer the same. After a long evolution, the Earth now has the state it is today.

Earth is a planet in the Solar System that can be inhabited by living things. Long before the presence of humans, the Earth has experienced development.

If you look at various theories of Earth’s evolution, then this planet does seem to have a very long state of change.

The current state of the earth is very different from the state of the Earth during the time of the dinosaurs. Differences in environmental conditions on Earth also make living things in it continue to develop.

So, what was the actual state of the Earth in the past, why did it change to the current state?

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What was the real condition of the Earth in the past?

Before humans existed, Earth was a much different place than it is today. This planet has gone through many changes since its formation 4.5 billion years ago.

Even the planet Earth has a very strange shape and is unthinkable by anyone at the moment. If you look at the stable condition of the Earth, of course no one can imagine how terrible the condition of the Earth used to be.

Very extreme things happen on Earth. If the situation returns, then of course life in it will not be able to survive.

How was the Earth before there was life on Earth?

There have been many studies that have tried to thoroughly explore the origins of this planet Earth. One study says that the Earth used to rain hot magma fluids.

Magma that hit planet Earth four billion years ago or at the beginning of its formation made it a very hot hell on earth.

Then, about 3.7 billion years ago, the Earth wasn’t actually blue. The ancient Earth appeared to be green, the continents inside were black, and the sky above was like an orange haze.

The green color of the Earth’s oceans is the result of iron formations dissolving into the water, spilling rust green and staining it the shade of a rusty copper penny.

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On the other hand, black continents occur because they are covered in cold lava and no plants can cover them. Meanwhile, the reason for the orange sky being hazy was due to sunlight penetrating the methane-filled atmosphere.

Earth Is A World Of Water

When examining the rocks, the researchers found other evidence that made them even more certain that this planet was once full of water.

Evidence of the ancient state of the Earth is the discovery of an ancient mineral called zircon. This shows that the Earth did have water since 4.4 billion years ago.

This time in Earth’s evolution coincides with the time the planet was formed and belongs to a very long oceanic history.

In ancient times, scientists believed that the earth was a world of water. This theory raises the question of how the origin of life on Earth.

Given that the Earth was landless, is it possible that the earliest single-celled organisms first appeared near hydromanta vents in the oceans? This still has no answer.

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Shorter Time

Apart from being a world of water, the state of the ancient Earth is also estimated to have a shorter time than it is today.

According to research from scientists, Earth in ancient times only had 23.5 hours in one day. This information is certainly surprising and hard to believe.

Scientists know this through research comparing the Earth’s past and present spins. In ancient times, the Earth rotated 372 times, while today it only rotates 360 times a year.

No wonder the lap time is longer, then it becomes 24 hours a day. Scientists who succeeded in uncovering it through research involving mollusk shell fossils originating from the late Cretaceous era.

Apart from this, the Earth was once full of ice and looks like a snowball in space. Earth was in this state about 716 years ago.

At that time the Earth was very cold and there were even glaciers on the Equator. Researchers prove this through traces of ancient glaciers in Canada. This proves that the conditions on Earth in ancient times were very extreme and different from now. (R10/HR-Online)

This post was last modified on Februari 27, 2023 5:28 PM

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