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The Competition Council publishes its 2019 annual report

monday, july 13, 2020 at 4:42 pm

Rabat – The Competition Council released its 2019 annual report, following its presentation to HM King Mohammed VI in accordance with article 23 of law 20-13, relating to the Competition Council, as unanimously approved by the plenary of the Council at its sixth session, held on May 14, 2020.

This report includes the assessment of the activities of the Council during the year 2019, the decisions concerning economic concentrations, and the opinions and decisions taken during the same year.

The document presents the assessment of the Council’s activities focused on market regulation, the reactivation of deliberative bodies, analyzes, sector studies, and legal, economic and competitive watch, administrative and financial governance, national and international partnership, and the Council’s communication action.

It also relates to the Council’s action plan for the 2020 financial year, which notably plans to deepen knowledge of the state of competition in Morocco and in the world, to improve the efficiency of legal systems , to strengthen the skills and engineering of the Council’s instruction services, and the need to build an integrated information system, to pursue and optimize the Council’s administrative and financial governance and to diversify the national and international partnership.

The report also focused on the Council’s contribution to the national debate on the new development model, focusing in particular on the missions, approach and objectives of the Competition Council, as well as on the place and role of the national competition ecosystem in the new development model.

In addition, the French Competition Council issued three opinions relating respectively to the government’s draft decision concerning the capping of profit margins for liquid fuels, to the bill supplementing and amending article 78-2 of law no. 15.95 forming the Commercial Code as amended and supplemented to enact specific provisions relating to payment periods, and to draft decree No. 2.17.481 relating to the fixing of notaries’ fees and their methods of collection.

The Council also issued a decision relating to the application of the provisions of article 61 of the law on free prices and competition providing for the exemption of fish intended for export from the obligation to passing by the wholesale fish markets and the fish halls.

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