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The company at the heart of neo-capitalism and a new social contract

Posted Apr 17, 2022, 10:30 AMUpdated on Apr 17, 2022 at 10:32

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the State and companies have appeared as two complementary poles, which have a common interest in sharing good practices. The company could even become a driving force in the transformation of capitalism, argue Christian Pierret and Philippe Latorre, respectively lawyer, administrator of young companies and co-founder of a fund dedicated to French SMEs, in “The New Social Contract”, published by Le Waterside.

As proof, during the first confinement, SMEs and employees of good will were able to react, flexibly and urgently, to produce hydroalcoholic gel and make masks. For their part, major players in the pharmaceutical and agri-food industry, transport and distribution have also shown reactivity to relay a State in full shortage of medical respirators, masks and gels. Unheard of in times of peace! With the pandemic, companies have thus found themselves at the forefront in the fight against the coronavirus. These agri-food and pharmaceutical sectors, distribution and transport reminded us of their strategic place. “There is a historic innovation of great significance here. “, note Christian Pierret and Philippe Latorre. And if the State behaved as a partner of the company?

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