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The Community extends advantageous loans until the end of the year

The Community has extended its Finance-Agro Line until December 31, 2021, which, through the Institute of Credit and Finance of the Region of Murcia (Icref), injects liquidity under advantageous conditions to the agricultural, livestock, fishing and agri-food. Thus, this means of financing will continue to provide loans of up to 300,000 euros with which to face investment projects or working capital needs.

In 2020, 18 operations of this line were granted, for a total amount of 2.4 million euros that helped maintain 124 jobs. Since the start-up of the line in 2018, the number of loans granted is 62, for a total amount of 9.8 million euros, which have allowed the maintenance of 844 workers.

Financia-Agro has a total of 14 million euros to grant in loans at very low interest and with special conditions, adapted to the needs of the sector. In the case that the loans finance investment projects, the maximum repayment term is twelve years, while if they are destined to satisfy working capital needs, it is five years. The applicable interest rate is the average one-year Euribor value, plus two points.

In addition, there is the possibility of a grace period of up to three years depending on the purpose of the operation, which means that, during that maximum period, the beneficiary can request to pay a less monthly fee. In addition, the repayment period is up to twelve years, and in order to adapt to the needs of each applicant, the installments can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual.

The loans are guaranteed by Avalam (the Reciprocal Guarantee Society) and the collaborating financial entities are Bankinter, Abanca, Banco Sabadell, Cajamar, Caja Rural Central, Caja Rural Regional and Caixabank. It is a line that, in addition, results in groups such as young entrepreneurs, with more difficulty in accessing credit.

Those interested can obtain information at any office in the Region of Murcia of the seven collaborating financial entities, or through Avalam. You can also request more information by calling 968 375325 and 968 375323.

The ICREF board of directors adopted this extension of Financia-Agro during a meeting that was chaired by the Minister of the Presidency and Finance, Javier Celdrán, and which also approved to extend the deadline to request the Finance Line until November 7, 2021- 100. Through this line, businesses with ten or fewer employees can obtain loans of up to 100,000 euros, to undertake investments or to respond to their working capital needs.

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