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The Community expands the Metro education project to celebrate 40 years of school visits

The Community of Madrid today launched AULAMetro, the renewed educational program for the Madrid metro which features multiple educational activities aimed at students of all educational cycles and special education centers with the aim of promoting inclusion and autonomy in the use of transport among young people from Madrid and highlight the contribution of Metro to sustainable mobility.

Metro de Madrid CEO Silvia Roldán presented the new program today, to coincide with the celebration of the European Mobility Week, during her visit to the María Corredentora Special Education Center, a participant in the project, and which filmed one of its floors in a subway station, recreating the main elements of the plant. Among the novelties of the program, the variety of activities offered, the renewed image and a greater commitment to inclusion and the promotion of autonomy in transport stand out, offering a total of 12 activities aimed at students of the Infant, Primary, Secondary Secondary classes. , FP and university studies.

AULAMetro updates and expands the school project that Metro has developed over the last 40 years and through which more than 365,000 Madrid students have already passed. It is a complete program of training actions aimed at various groups, of different ages, backgrounds, concerns, needs and expectations, with Metro as the protagonist. Through this program, participants are explained how the Metro works and its correct use is promoted; the importance of the underground from a historical and technological point of view and in the field of sustainability is disclosed; and promotes mobility by emphasizing the role of Metro de Madrid and its contribution to social development, cultural, economic and environmental aspects of the Community of Madrid. The new program will reach Infant students, for whom a specific space will be created on the web in the next academic year 2023/2024; Second level secondary school students, with new virtual tours of emblematic spaces of the Metro; to the Baccalaureate and FP, with specific activities on the history of the Metro and its contribution to the development of the Community, and university students, for whom special visits will be planned on the basis of their training courses.

All activities are free and can be found on the metro website (www.metromadrid.es). Interested centers can request information or their participation by e-mail at [email protected].


The María Corredentora school, with whose students and teachers Metro has worked in recent years as part of the LARA (Support Line for Strengthening Autonomy) program, is the first of the centers that has chosen to move the metro network in the their classrooms so that students begin to familiarize themselves with the space and elements of the stations, reinforcing the plans for the transition to adulthood and the promotion of autonomous life included in their educational program and as a step preceding the autonomous use of the network by students. Therefore, Pérez was able to see firsthand today the work done by the team of teachers and managers to promote the autonomy of young people with intellectual disabilities through transport.

The installations recreate the Pueblo Nuevo station, located on lines 5 and 7, with its entrance porch and a main hall at the entrance to the classrooms, where a simulation of the ticket machines and an information panel with the map was carried out of the subway and information on timetables and fares, as well as the entrance and exit signs at the entrance door to the establishment.

Two of the corridors simulate the corridors of lines 5 and 7, the closest to the center. The adaptation includes lists with the names of the different stations, and their correspondences, as well as other elements of service information, such as signage for elevators or stairs.

The images of the bins have also been replicated, with separate collection, and Metro has donated two disused intercoms that will allow teachers to explain their existence on the net and their use in case of need.

The goal is for students to know all the elements of a station, learn to deal with the metro map, its system of lines and connections, and become familiar with a space that can sometimes be confusing for people with disabilities. intellectual or with orientation and comprehension problems.

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