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The committee is ready to take responsibility if our declaration event becomes a Covid-19 cluster

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Declaration of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) at the Tugu Proklamasi field, Jakarta, attended by hundreds of people. OUR Executive Committee chairman, Ahmad Yani, said the committee was ready to take responsibility if the event took place cluster Covid-19 new.

“If it is deemed that there are violations, we have maximized and we are ready to be summoned,” he said when met after the declaration, Tuesday, August 18, 2020.

Yani said that his party believed that this event would be used as material for negative talks by contra parties. “Today’s buzzer will definitely mem-bully us, don’t wear masks, don’t keep our distance, don’t follow the Covid-19 protocol, no problem. We don’t have time to respond to such trifles, “he said.

This former member of the DPR explained that the committee had tried to implement the health protocol as much as possible. You do this by distributing masks, limiting residents who enter the event location, and arranging seats so they are not close together.

A number of masses attended the declaration of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) at the Proclamation Monument, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 18, 2020. In this declaration a number of figures also attended and participated as declarations of the proclamation of saving Indonesia. TEMPO / Muhammad Hidayat

Monitoring Time At the location, the committee did provide masks, regulate the distance of the seats, even spray disinfectant on the declaration participants who were present. The presenter also repeatedly reminded visitors to keep their distance.

However, in reality, not all of the people present followed the committee’s appeal health protocol. Many visitors took off or lowered their masks, sat close together, jostled to be able to take photos.


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