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The Colorful Procession and Opening Concert of the XXVII Song and XVII Dance Festival

An hour before it started, I spoke to the singer Daina Mudītis Lielbārdi from the senior choir of the Cēsi Culture Center at the building of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet. Apple tree. “I’ve been singing since I can remember,” says the eighty-six-year-old chorister. Her grandmother Grieta has participated in the third (!) Song Festival and performed church songs, which her son, the father of Daina Mudīte Lielbārde, used to sing while doing housework and unconsciously teaching them also for her daughter, despite the times and prohibitions. Currently, Grieta’s granddaughter is ready for the 150th anniversary Song Festival. “On Thursday, there was a meeting for the graduates of the Jaunpiebalga school. I thought: if I survive it, I will also go to the march,” laughs the singer, who in her teenage years has walked eighteen kilometers from school to home and has hardened herself for life. “The main thing is that it doesn’t rain!” I wish, to which Daina Mudīte Lielbārde says: ” Let it rain! The land is so parched that we’ll have to endure it!” According to her, it starts to sprinkle, but quickly passes.

Kindred articles

Showing off the regions will start with Vidzemi, which has filled the streets of Old Riga. “How can you be indifferently silent tonight, how can you leave at such a moment”, the song about the water lilies of Vecpiebalga is sung by the women’s choir of Vecpiebalga manor, to which others sing. What are the feelings? “Very cool,” replies fifteen-year-old Kárlis, who sings in the mixed choir, with a smile on his lips in youthful shyness. Near Gauja and previously danced in the Folk Dance Group Cynitis. He will take part in a big concert at this Song Festival Purity. Song Path Mežaparka on the Great Stage. “What attracts me to singing the most is unison, when everything sounds very bright,” adds the first bass shortly before opening the march.

With the convocation of the members of the Tālava horn players and brass bands and the departure of the Honorary Chief Conductors and Chief Conductors in convertibles, this event is introduced, which will flow along Brīvības Street with spectators on both banks of the river throughout the day. “And I’m running, I’m still running, I still have to catch up,” sings a chorister when she sees singer Lauri Reinik. The repertoire of modern pop music will also be played this evening at the opening concert for the festival participants in the square at Arenas Riga. “It was very uplifting because our Folk Dance Ensemble Vector it was an honor to carry the Ligo flag, the Latvian dance festival flag and this year’s song and dance festival flag,” Arturs, a member of the folk dance ensemble, shares his emotions after the sold-out parade. His participation in the song and dance festival is recorded not only in his biography, but also in the writings of his relatives. “His brother dances In the Moors and leads a youth dance group Marupe,” adds Arthur’s brother’s wife Santa, who used to dance herself In a fairy tale and has been a participant of the Song and Dance Festival, but now she has joined the march supporters and together with her daughter Liv will welcome her husband as well. It should be noted that the parents of both brothers met in the Folk Dance Ensemble Calves.

Variety of colors

The organization of the participants for the procession takes place on two routes. One of them leads from the 11 November embankment along Kalķu Street to the starting point of the Song and Dance Festival participants’ march near the Laima clock. “Inflator blow!” the Folk Dance Ensemble stands on the grass island at the intersection of the Akmens tilta exit and the 11 November embankment Course from Saldus and cheers each passing group while waiting for their turn. “We realized that the march is delayed and we will have to wait a little, so we decided to look from the outside, support and improve the mood both for ourselves and for others,” in a conversation with the newspaper Day reveals the leader of the folk dance ensemble Inese Buša, who together with her Course arrived in Riga already on Friday. Rehearsals have already been held for the big Latvian stage dance concert to be held on Monday Balts Arena Riga. White. The beginning and continuation of everything – the event is applied for.

But on November 11, the waterfront is full of color, and the line of Kurzemniks is rounded off by the Folk Applied Art Collective of įbuļi Parish, Talsi County The little house, whose participants hold wooden shafts with patterned gloves on their ends. “The pattern of my glove is taken from the characteristics of Ilga Madre, a needlewoman from our county,” says Māra Merten, head of the applied art collective, and adds that this and that blue one were made for the exhibition dedicated to the memory of the well-known needlewoman, which was organized in 2021 at the Talsi County Museum. Behind each of the gloves there is a story, with which they go in this procession of the participants of the Song and Dance Festival. “We are happy and proud to be a part of this whole,” emphasizes Mara Merten. After the applied art collective led by her, Zemgale, Selia, Latgale, diaspora and Riga will perform on the strip, whose members together with the others at this song and dance festival, as well as The little housewill be guided by the characteristics and at the same time create their own interpretation of them, leaving a new record in history.


The second route leads along Poļu gāti, Pils iela, Smilšu iela and Valņi iela, winding through Doma Square, where you can watch the live broadcast of the Song and Dance Festival participants’ procession on the big screen and cool off. “Dry mouth doesn’t sound far. Remember to drink!” says the sign on the water filling station. The whole square is buzzing with different sounds and preparations. Singer from the chamber choir Ventspils paint your lips, looking at the reflection of the Riga Stock Exchange window. “In the coming hours, clouds will approach from the southwest, bringing with them moderate rain, but in the period from 15 to 16, there could be more and more intense precipitation with thunderstorms. We invite both marchers and spectators to prepare raincoats and umbrellas,” in the online application of the network WhatsApp The organizers of the song and dance festival report to the presenters. Greater and more intense rainfall awaits the diaspora collectives who have traveled from different parts of the world and are not sad about the weather like the children in rubber boots opposite McDonaldam jumps in puddles and splashes water in all directions.

Riga collectives are waiting for their moment of showing off and the sun, which closes the procession of the participants of this song and dance festival. “It’s always like that,” several choristers run past Valņu Street in the direction of the starting point, obviously being late. On the other hand, on Smilšu Street, a volunteer of the Song and Dance Festival calls out to every group that passes by, receiving cheers in return and confirming once again that the march does not begin and end with the officially set boundaries. “Greetings to the volunteers!” recalled by the youth choir Voices artistic director Ints Teterovskis. A moment later, you can meet the Folk Dance Ensemble again on Kalķu Street Vector. Its members crouch down and after a signal start to stand up row by row and form a wave that ripples to the members of other collectives as well. The circle is closed.

More information about the Song and Dance Festival can be found on the website Dziesmusvetki.lv.

*We deliberately kept the present tense in the article in order not to reduce the intensity and presence of the report. The procession and opening concert of the XXVII Song and XVII Dance Festival took place on Sunday, July 2.

2023-07-04 08:53:54
#characteristics #time #anew #river #people #flows #Riga

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