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The College of Veterinarians’ warning to pet owners: we are neglecting vaccination against rabies | Society

Call of the College of Veterinarians of Castilla La Mancha pet owners to comply with the identification and vaccination schedules for their pets, specifically against rabies.

Today, with just over 600,000 pets registered, the percentage of rabies vaccination is very low, just 40%, in the region.

In provinces such as Albacete, Cuenca or Ciudad Real it is even lower than 35%, the president of the Council of Professional Colleges of Veterinarians in Castilla La Mancha Jose Ramón Caballero explains that when we have an animal, not only dogs, but also cats or ferrets, we are obliged to identify them, with the corresponding documentation and we have the obligation to vaccinate them.

The rabia It is a zoonosis, a virus that if we are not careful, can also be fatal for human beings. When faced with a bite, in the event that a dog attacks us, without being vaccinated, it indicates that we must declare the incidence immediately and the health authorities will carry out exhaustive monitoring and quarantine it. to see its evolution.

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Jose Ramón Caballero, president of the Council of Veterinarians of the region, warns that anti-rabies vaccination is very low




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In our country, especially in Ceuta and Melilla, some cases arise every year, which emphasizes the importance of strictly complying with this requirement; In fact, a few years ago the Collegiate Organization of Castilla La Mancha intervened in the control of a dog, apparently affected by rabies, which wandered from the south of Spain to Catalonia and was detected in Toledo.

We must not let our guard down, he indicates, because this regulation also affects the cat and ferret population. The president of the Council recognizes that there is concern because it is not being easy to control.

Image of a domestic cat / BE Ciudad Real


What is rage

The rabies virus is widespread throughout the planet and attacks mammals, both domestic and wild, including humans. It is found in the saliva and secretions of infected animals and is inoculated to humans when infected animals attack them and cause a bite injury to the human. In addition, the virus can also be transfused when an individual who has a cut in the skin (virus entry route) has contact with the salivary secretions of an infected animal.

This disease, if not treated with the utmost urgency, ends up causing the death of the patient. There is currently no specific treatment for patients with rabies. This disease is generally considered fatal. There are only isolated reports of survival with intensive care measures. When a person is infected, the symptoms of the disease can take between 60 and 300 days to appear.

Rabies vaccination

1. We must remember that in Castilla La Mancha (Order 06/26/2012) It is mandatory to vaccinate against rabies, every two years, for all domestic canids in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha, over three months of age.

2. No animal may be vaccinated that is not correctly identified by one of the authorized and approved identification systems at all times. Likewise, they must be registered in the Individual Identification System for Pet Animals of Castilla-La Mancha.

3. The vaccines used will be made with inactivated virus, and officially authorized, ensuring a minimum immune protection of two years.

4. Vaccination of felids and ferrets, over six months old, will be optional for each owner. If they are vaccinated, their identification will be mandatory using the same system and procedures as canids.

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