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The collection of “green gold” is struggling to spread in the Bastia agglomeration

Since 2017 and from the first implementations of door-to-door collections in Furiani, the Cab has tried to increase its scores in terms of separate collection at source. If the bins from 3,200 houses are now collected, the urban planning problem remains to be solved. A headache for the communities

At the end of 2023, the tri of the Organic waste it will be everyone’s business. A new obligation dictated by the law on the fight against spoil et alcircular economy, known as the AGEC law, which will impact families and communities. But for now, a Bastia, only the busiest urban dwellers decide to set off, bags of organic waste in hand, in search of brown bins shipped here and there. For other families, the task has been facilitated since 2017 and the installation of individual containers in so-called residential areas.

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First in Furiani, then from 2018, in all the municipalities of the inter-municipal area. Except Bastia, the largest producer of waste in the community, which alone weighs almost 45 tons a day. Yet two years ago, in the midst of a waste crisis and in the midst of a political battle, a “punch” operation was carried out and the brown bins were forcibly taken from warehouses. From ? A few bins are still visible, but the urban problem of organic waste remains intact. This hasty diffusion and the lack of simplification of the system would have even discouraged some.

Between overflowing bins and refusal to withdraw

Leaving the city to reach neighboring countries, the picture is still imperfect. Hiccups are observed and the forgotten bins end up overflowing. But looking behind the scenes, it’s clear that failures often have a plural explanation. Recently, in Santa-Maria-di-Lota, the agents refused to collect the brown bins. Reason: Plastic materials like other residual waste had been thrown into the organic waste container. A mixture unsuitable for recovery. “This happens regularly and in this case it is reported to the services so that the household waste collectors can recover it”, underlines Pierre Tournier, collection director at the Cab, detailing the organization and frequency of the rounds. However, according to Cynthia Vola, director of land development at Syvadec who monitors the quality and quantity of waste collected, “no big quality alerts are observed.” Sometimes it’s the garbage that isn’t presented at the right time and can’t be picked up.”. The green gesture would therefore not yet be well insured by families. ” There is the political will to go quickly and well, but it is certain that in certain territories it is easier than in others”. recognizes Bernard Leonardi, the elected city official in charge of waste.

Door to door: it’s the turn of 2,900 families of Bastia

In 2022, an increase in sorting in Bastia is announced. “The first 30 residences identified in the Lupino-Montesoro sector will be equipped with bins for separate waste collection in the first half of the year. We are talking about 2,900 families. Thirty other residences will follow in Bastia Nord, on the Fango and then on the Toga and in the Cardo quarters”, continues Bernardo Leonardi. For condominiums in the city center, with sometimes narrow stairwells, the reasoning is different. “We recently met the trade unions who are our privileged interlocutors to find solutions”, the chosen one insists. But obviously no track is for the late hour. Do the bins have to be placed in front of the gates with the consent of the co-owners? Provide sidewalk space or bury the dumpsters? Indeed, can we imagine one day seeing the arrival of the latest generation of electromechanical bins with a specific ventilation system? Nothing stands still even if the countdown is ticking… A local waste prevention plan will be created and a dedicated commission will be set up at the Cab to move forward on the “waste” dossier – as costly as it is complex – which remains the pebble in the clothes of local authorities.

A deposit on the agglomeration close to 5,000 tons

Throughout the agglomeration, in four years, almost 3,200 homes have benefited from a door-to-door sorting solution and no fewer than 250 major producers, including schools, as well as supermarkets, participate in the process. “In total we collect almost 520 tons of organic waste produced by large producers and 280 tons from private individuals. A part is composted directly by private individuals, but we know that the deposit on chipboard is 5,000 tons. There is therefore still a need for support to encourage people to order”, underlines the elected city councilor for waste, aware that the increase in the tax on domestic waste that has affected families must necessarily be followed by an improvement in services. Targets have been set, but the best options for improving separate collection in a region where the cost of waste is higher than the national average remains to be determined.

*source www.odem-corsica.fr/donnees.

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