Home » today » News » The Collectif des sans papiers in Eure-et-Loir mobilized for access to emergency accommodation for new arrivals

The Collectif des sans papiers in Eure-et-Loir mobilized for access to emergency accommodation for new arrivals

About fifty people gathered in front of the prefecture of Eure-et-Loir in Chartres, this Wednesday, June 23, in the afternoon.

The AERéSP 28 collective (Reception of exiles and regularization of undocumented migrants) organized a rally in front of the prefecture for “an action related to emergency accommodation.”

“Find a solution”

Céline Le Guay, member of the collective, indicates:

“The emergency accommodation service (115) is no longer accessible to new arrivals in our department. These people find themselves forced to sleep outside. There is no place for them, whatever their nationality or the administrative situation besides. We explain to them that it is necessary to recall in August for example. This is not acceptable and we ask that the law be applied. “

CÉLINE LE GUAY (AERéSP28 collective)

The State has the competence for the shelter of the people in the street. The 115, emergency call number for the homeless, is managed at the departmental level by the services of the Chartres Reception Center (Fac).

A tent was set up in front of the entrance to the prefecture by members of the association. Céline Le Guay specifies:

“We have the example of three people who are on the street in Chartres. We want an accommodation proposal. Otherwise, that means that the State services tolerate that camps can be set up, with tents, like in the Paris region. We therefore prepared three letters for the prefecture in order to have a solution. “

The Collectif des sans-papiers is mobilizing for “the maintenance of emergency accommodation places”

“Social support”

Contacted, the prefecture would like to remind:

“Even after the winter break, the government is committed to taking care of the most vulnerable. Thus, beyond the 133 permanent accommodation places spread over the department and provided by emergency accommodation operators , more than forty people are still taken care of at the hotel every evening, so nearly 21,000 additional places have been taken care of for emergency accommodation since October 18, 2020. “

The Collectif des sans papiers demonstrated in Chartres for freedom of movement

State services add: “In addition to sheltering, social support is provided by accommodation operators, but also by communities: finding solutions remains their priority, whether they are the proposal. long-term accommodation, or that of housing, in conjunction with the social landlords of the department.Finally, it is important to remember that this progressive system of outings does not of course exclude an examination of all situations and taking into account for all emergencies “.

Simon Dechet

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