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the collapse of bonds is only costly and severe


Plus: Equity rewards aren’t forthcoming, emerging market stocks hugely affordable, positions pushed to record highs, the energy crisis demands a real solution, NL farmers in wine, and more.

The equity bonus will not be available in the next 12 months
Invesco’s chief economist, Paul Jackson, has a gloomy view for risky investments. It is positive on cash, real estate and emerging market equities. “Low valuations in emerging markets are a modest bright spot.”

Who cares?

“A new investment reality requires a new investment compass”
“For now, it seems central banks are less concerned about investors’ equity portfolios.” According to Justin Thomson, T. Rowe Price’s CIO International Equity, they are fundamental business analyzes and are therefore again important.

Put positions at record level.

Fully fed with the organ

Thatcher 2.0 doesn’t seem to be the solution
“Britain’s slant towards ‘Reaganomics’ gets a thumbs down from the markets.” Markets are very negative about the UK’s new neoliberal policies, also CNBC message. Meanwhile, the pound is now worth almost as much as a euro.

Bonds are now attractive / unattractive
“Estimating when the main danger has passed and a new rally in fixed income has begun is a mix of art and science, but at an unknown time the transition will come. inflation, the relative appeal of bonds, payments become attractive, in absolute and relative terms compared to other assets “. Here’s the story. Read also: Bonds are back.

The collapse of the bond market costs …

… and ferocious.

Spreading is suffering (this year)

Big names, poor stock market performance
Narcissistic CEOs perform far worse than modest CEOs. These narcissistic leaders are easily identified by their large and ridiculous signature, writes Gioacchino Clemente in his latest blog.

Doctor Doom in the corner
Are you finally right again?

Active vs Passive
The returns of IEX Fund 40 (actively managed mutual funds) and IEX Index 20+ (ETF).

Energy opportunity lost
Rabobank economist Hugo Erken: “The large package of plans pays little attention to the cause of the current energy crisis, namely that the demand for gas and electricity simply exceeds supply.” sharp column.

Younger generations don’t like to buy and hold

Dutch peasants in wine
As they see fewer future prospects in “normal” agriculture, such as potato growing, Dutch farmers are switching to growing wine grapes. “You need a piggy bank to get through the first few years. And the income from tastings and tours is important to earn enough.” RTL report Z.

Of Publishers of IEXProfs is made up of several journalists. The information contained in this article is not intended as professional investment advice or as a recommendation to make certain investments. Publishers can hold positions in one or more of the listed funds. Click here for an overview of their investments.

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