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The CNOP calls on the government to take into account the recommendations of the CC

The Competition Council drew up an unequivocal diagnosis of the situation of the drug market in Morocco, which represents one of the most disorderly markets in the country.

During its 7th ordinary session of its plenary session held on Thursday June 25 by videoconference, the competition council recommended new levers to improve competition in the drug market in Morocco, which it considers ” strongly impacted, by a fragmented and incoherent national pharmaceutical policy, and ineffective governance largely dominated by administrative, regulatory, technical and medical supervision“Who according to him,” leaves little room for the development of market mechanisms and fair and healthy competition ».

Joined by Hespress Fr in this regard, Dr. Hamza Guedira, president of the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists (CNOP), initially applauded the extremely commendable and important effort of the competition council which, according to him, has much worked on the file with the various partners in the sector.

« We have been interviewed at least two or three times by the competition council on this subject. For the pharmaceutical sector, yes, it needs a new vision. I always said it and the CC confirmed it today. We need a new vision and to revolutionize a little the sector which remains on very static things, which are old in terms in particular of governance ”, he says.

Dr Guédira also talks about the creation of the national drug agency, « which is now more than a necessity, especially since Morocco has ratified the creation of the African drug agency. And he does not forget that we have directives and a policy of King Mohammed VI, in favor of south-south cooperation ”.

The president of the CNOP recalls in this sense that the CC underlined “ the urgency of setting up the National Medicines Agency, whose institutional management, missions and legal framework must be rethought, in the light of new data that the problem of medicines is experiencing today ».

In this regard, the CC indicated that this agency must set up a National Observatory for Medicines to enable Morocco to have an appropriate information system on all the strategic dimensions of the entire sector.

The president of the Order of Pharmacists, who has always called for the creation of the National Medicines Agency, is of the same opinion as the CC. He is sorry that a sector as strategic as that of the drug is ” managed by an administration with obsolete procedures ” According to Dr. Guedira ” we have to move on to something more efficient ”.

Regarding competition in the sector, Dr, Guedira points out that “ competition just doesn’t wait for us “Ensuring that” other countries are galloping in Africa, while at our level, we are still trying to find a way ».

As a reminder, the Council headed by Driss Guerraoui highlighted that “ the drug market is a market whose competition is strongly impacted, by a fragmented and incoherent national pharmaceutical policy, and ineffective governance largely dominated by administrative, regulatory, technical and medical supervision which leaves little room for the development of market mechanisms and healthy and fair competition« .

While praising the ” great work done by CC “In this last diagnosis, Dr. Guedira believes that it contains a lot of strategic sense and renewal for the drug sector, and that he will certainly” make things happen ».

The CNOP president therefore concludes by launching a “ firm appeal to the government to take into account the recommendations of the competition council ».

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