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The CNE published the list of table members for 6-D parliamentarians

Citizens can enter the CNE website to verify if they are table members or call 0-800CNE-00.


The National Electoral Council (CNE) published on its website the list with the selected names of the table members who will serve in the elections on December 6.

The election was held on July 23 with the presence of the representatives of the 107 organizations for political purposes in the nation.

The previously audited automated system was used, in which the head of the National Office of Subaltern Electoral Organizations, Luis Piedra, and the general director of Information Technologies, Marlon Montilla, who followed up on the guidelines set forth in the electoral schedule, were present. , detailed the Union Radio portal this Wednesday, July 29.

Citizens can enter the following link to verify if they are table members:


They can also do it by calling 0-800CNE-00.

Recently, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Indira Maira Alfonzo, assured that the electoral schedule for the National Assembly elections runs “with complete normality, adhering to the principles of impartiality, pluralism and democracy.”

Mandatory service

In Venezuela, the electoral service is compulsory, unless the selected person has any of the following characteristics may contest the election before the entity:

– You have any mental, health or legal disability, duly certified by the competent authorities.

– She is a candidate for a popular election.

– Holds a management position in an organization for political purposes.

– It fulfills in the development of its functions directives and instructions of an organization with political aims or of a candidate.

– You have publicly stated your preference in favor of one. organization for political purposes or to a candidate.

– You have a link or link due to your occupation with a candidate.

– Those who unjustifiably fail to comply with the Mandatory Electoral Service will be sanctioned with fines equivalent to fifteen Tax Units (15 UT) and fifty Tax Units (50 UT) or proportional arrest, at the rate of one day per Tax Unit.

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