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The closure of the George-Sand college in Toulon is becoming clearer

The rumor had been circulating for three months. So much so that the teachers, staff, parents and students, supported by the trade unions and the FCPE, have set up a “college defense committee and launched a petition to protest against the mentioned disappearance of the Toulon establishment, located in Pont-du-Las, which has collected some 1,400 signatures to date.

“No commitment has been respected”

At the end of April, Josée Massi, today first deputy mayor, in charge of Education, but also departmental councilor, assured that “several scenarios are being studied” and that one of them, “in which the college would not close”, would be presented to the teams in June.

However, last week,M Massi came to announce that this work was finally abandoned, without arguments, and that the college would close in July 2025 indicates the defense committee of the establishment in a press release. No commitments have been fulfilled. This is unacceptable!”

Denouncing a “unilateral decision”and as the long holidays begin, the committee has already filed a request for a hearing in the prefecture, mandated the unions to file a strike notice at the start of the school year, and called for mobilization in September while reflecting on others “actions to be taken”.

Arguing that Georges-Sand is a college “on a human scale, conducive to success”, “local for young people who need a personalized school offer, in particular thanks to the Ulis created in 2021”and “As the recommendations of the ministry indicate, we are against superstructures that crowd students and prevent this personalized follow-up”.

1. We were unable to reach Josée Massi yesterday.

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