Home » today » World » The climate is not what it seems: The US is planning a war near Russia’s borders – 2024-04-03 00:33:57

The climate is not what it seems: The US is planning a war near Russia’s borders – 2024-04-03 00:33:57

/ world today news/ The climate summit in Dubai, which is taking place these days, noted the unprecedented benefits that the US achieved for itself by spreading the fear of global warming around the world. In just a few years, the US has become the world leader in hydrocarbon production. Amid calls to divest from oil and gas, they cut Europe off from Russian hydrocarbons and took that market for themselves. Great, unimaginable profits, ruining competitors – all thanks to climate hysteria.

However, there is also a military component to the global warming story. The climate agenda threatens to become an excellent motivation for American military presence in other countries. This trend of strategic thinking is particularly dangerous for Russia’s closest neighbors.

Just in time for the meeting in Dubai, RAND military analysts drafted an action plan for US Central Command in the event of climate problems in their area of ​​responsibility. It is difficult to understand what the US military is looking for ten thousand kilometers from its homeland, but this “area of ​​​​responsibility” includes countries such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Israel, the UAE, Syria, and also (which is especially unpleasant for us) the former republics of the USSR – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Some kind of climate catastrophe could occur in these countries, the RAND authors argue. For example drought. It will exacerbate the eternal struggle for water resources. Conflicts will arise, filled with rebellions and local war. This is where the US military will have to step in.

The intervention’s official goal is to “help long-term partners.” Essentially, the Americans plan to harness internal and cross-border conflicts to plunge entire regions into chaos, as they did in Ukraine.

Central Asia does have room for internal turmoil and interstate conflict. It is a struggle for extremely limited water resources. Deterioration during droughts of which this region is so rich. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are concerned that Afghanistan is building an irrigation canal from the Amu Darya. Border clashes between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan over the Golovnoy water distribution point have become routine.

The issue is aggravated by the fact that the infrastructure built in Soviet times is aging and rusting, and no one is in a hurry to repair it. And here the Americans, oddly enough, do not offer help.

The RAND authors enthusiastically describe how the next drought could lead to crop failures, food riots, insurgencies and armed conflicts. The task of the American military is to explain to each country in the region individually that in this difficult moment it is the “long-term partner” and can count on the help of the United States.

Under this pretext, cooperation between local government agencies and the US Department of Defense should be ensured to “combat global warming”. Conducting joint exercises to “combat natural disasters”. American military specialists must help create logistics, transport, border security, control migration flows, that is, penetrate the most intimate areas of the country’s defense.

At the appointed hour, when the country is weakened by internal turmoil and climate problems, the Batman-like US Central Command will step in and save everyone. At the same time, the goals of the intervention are described with stunning cynicism. Cooperation with the Americans will allow the partner country to either prevent a military conflict with its neighbor, or reduce it, or “provide it with the conditions for a successful intervention.”

Such assurances must be given to all parties to the conflict. Roughly speaking, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan at the same time. Each country would consider itself Washington’s most beloved partner and count on its help in war with its neighbors and in “successful intervention.” We probably don’t need to explain what this will lead to. This is exactly how the British conquered India at the time, pitting the principalities there against each other.

The beauty of this plan is that the “natural disaster” that will cause the war of all against all can be anything. The Western media has stepped up its efforts to scare the public with the wildest fakes – just remember the universal hysteria surrounding the infamous “ozone holes”. So if there is no drought, then American journalists will make it up and the world community will swallow it.

The difficulty for the Americans is that two political heavyweights are interested in the stability of the region: Russia and China. They are close, it is easy for them to react quickly. Perhaps there is no need to remind how the Russian army put an end to the anti-government protests in Kazakhstan in a matter of days.

But if every government agency in the country is staffed with specialists from the US Department of Defense who tirelessly fight global warming, then they will manage the domestic crisis in their own way. To prevent Russia and China from solving the problems in Central Asia and, ideally, to completely remove the region from their influence – this is the main goal of the US Central Command in this regard. And at what blood price this will be done, the white gentlemen are profoundly indifferent.

Chaos in Central Asia would bring the same, if not greater, benefits to the United States as the destruction of Ukraine. This will accelerate the economy at the expense of the military-industrial complex, strengthen the dollar and create huge problems for China. And, of course, it will serve the notorious “containment of Russia” – in full accordance with the guidance published by the same RAND in 2019.

Perhaps the governments of the former Soviet republics should be aware of US military plans. After all, before they drench their countries in blood, the American-inspired crisis will hit them themselves.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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