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The climate activist sticks to Jinek’s table

News from the NOS

A climate activist glued himself to the TV show table a womanpresented tonight by Beau van Erven Dorens.

Climate activist Jelle de Graaf was invited to a woman to talk about new ways of raising awareness of climate change.

During the conversation this happened:


The climate activist sticks to the talk show table

The reason for the conversation was the recent actions by climate activists in which they throw food at art in museums. This is how the activists launched two weeks ago soup against a painting by Van Gogh at the National Gallery in London. Activists last weekend threw themselves into a German museum mashed potatoes on a work by Monet. Both paintings were behind the glass.

During the conversation, De Graaf climbed onto the table and glued himself to the talk show table with his hands. “I’ll talk about the climate crisis and the ecological crisis,” he said. “People are dying, Beau,” he repeated several times.

After a short time, De Graaf was released from the table. It happened off-screen during the commercial that interrupted the show.

Van Erven Dorens replaced Eva Jinek tonight because she has the crown, it was announced tonight.

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