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The City will celebrate August 1 despite the awakening of the Covid-19


While the Township is strengthening measures against the pandemic, the Municipality has decided to maintain the festivities on Saturday. A special device is planned.

As has been the case for several years, in 2018, the Swiss National Day was held on Wednesday August 1 at La Grange Park in Geneva.

KEYSTONE/Martial Trezzini

“The country has been put to the test in recent months, it is all the more important to mark the confederal bond during this period.” The tone is set. For the mayor of Geneva, Sami Kanaan, there is no question of giving up the festivities of the 1is August. And this, while the Canton announced last Friday an increase in restrictions following an increase in cases of coronavirus. Wearing a mask will be compulsory in all shops, from Tuesday. “The first thing we did after the announcement of these new measures was to examine whether they changed anything for us, and this is not the case”, relativizes the mayor. Which specifies that special provisions were already planned to respond to health measures.

Mandatory registration or mask

Exit, therefore, the usual formula on a single site. This year, the City has opted for a decentralized national holiday to be held in eight different locations, mostly outdoors. “In this way, we can better distribute the flow of people,” explains Sami Kanaan.

In two places, it will be necessary to register in advance to ensure the tracing. In other places, wearing a mask will be compulsory. And everywhere, the capacity will be limited to 300 people. The organizers will also ignore the catering, deemed too risky.

Give back work to artists

Street art will be in the spotlight this year with many events planned. An organization that has not always been easy. “Some artists were afraid of being in contact with the world,” says Antoine Frammery, co-programmer. We had to reassure them, explaining the various measures put in place. “

Despite some concerns, most of the artists greeted this event with enthusiasm. And that’s good, because this event, it is also for them that the mayor has decided to maintain it. “This celebration is a way of giving work to the actors and actresses of cultural life. One way to compensate for the months of inactivity. Culture is one of the areas that has been most affected, and even today it is not known exactly in what form it will resume. So this summer, it’s a bit like our laboratory. ”

“I’m not afraid of the Covid, I’m afraid of the storm”

Another reason that prompted the City to organize the festivities of the 1is August despite the increase in Covid-19 cases: supporting the population in this difficult period. “People are staying in Geneva more this summer. We feel that they need moments of sharing and conviviality ”, analyzes Sami Kanaan. For the mayor, it is therefore essential to expand the cultural and sporting offer at this time.

On D-5 of the demonstration, is the coronavirus haunting the thoughts of the organizers? Not really, underlines Sebastiano Marras, general coordinator of the event: “I am not afraid of the Covid, I am afraid of the storm.”

The French-speaking public authorities have variously reacted to the risks associated with the organization of the 1is August. Some cities have quite simply canceled the public celebrations, such as Nyon, Bulle, Renens or Delémont. Most have nevertheless maintained part of the festivities, those supposed to attract the fewest people in a given place, in order to avoid too large gatherings. Thus, the associations of residents of Neuchâtel were invited to organize neighborhood events, without giving them too much visibility. The great fireworks display will not light up the sky. In Sion or Friborg, the reverse was the case: no gatherings planned with tents and food and drink stands, but the fires will indeed be out. Lausanne, for its part, privileged the institutional celebration: the inhabitants who so wish can register to attend the speech of the syndic and his guest, the president of the Confederation, the Socialist Simonetta Sommaruga.


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