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The city of Zurich should give more money to dance and theatre

At their extraordinary meeting on Saturday, the local council sent a corresponding motion from the groups Greens, SP and AL to the city council with 58 votes to 50.

There is not enough money for every project

The first round of awards under the new funding system showed that the goal of innovation and further development in dance and theater institutions was only achieved to a limited extent, the motion said.

Innovative concepts were developed that the professional jury considered worthy of funding, said Urs Riklin (Greens). However, the 3.9 million francs given would not have been enough to implement it. All institutions had to redefine their concepts.

The end of the funding grant is not effective; Therefore, it is advisable for the city council to make some improvements.

A knowledge report is still to come

The solution cannot be simply to give more and more money, said Karin Weyermann (centre). The center supports the new funding concept, which aims to introduce more innovation and flexibility. But she refuses to expand further.

We must first wait for the interim report that was announced before we throw more money into the pot, said Ann-Catherine Nabholz (GLP).

With 58 votes from the SP, Greens and AL against 50 votes from the FDP, SVP, GLP and Centre/EVP, a majority of the council supported the motion which calls for a higher framework credit for the next six year period 2030 to 2035. .

The city council had shown that they were willing to accept this. The President of the City Corine Mauch (SP) said that it is a new funding system that could be changed and developed a little based on initial experience. This is also for the interest of the artists.

Flexible concept financing

From 2024, the city of Zurich has been using a new funding concept in the field of dance and theatre. In addition to the large venues that receive unlimited funding, such as the Schauspielhaus and the Theater Neumarkt, the “flexible dance and theater landscape” receives concept funding.

Organizations and individuals from the independent perspective can apply for two or four year funding. Six-year funding is available for dance and theater centres. For these, the Winkelwiese, Rigiblick and Stadelhofen theaters were considered in the first round of awards.

2024-09-28 22:54:24
#city #Zurich #give #money #dance #theatre

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