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The city of New York, in crisis due to the arrival of migrants from the border | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

adriana: good afternoon,Greetings Adriana Vargassino.a taste that accompanies us.adriana: new setrecord in the number ofasylum seekers in the newyork.íctor: a situation that iscompounded by the hundreds ofbuses that have leftgo to town withmigrants sincefrontera.right now there are more than61,000 people in sheltersfor the homeless.adriana: almost 20 thousand are children,one in five isimmigrants seeking asylum.the mayor announced an orderexecutive to help the crisisof homes affecting thousandsíctor: they had a chancequestion the mayor and theemigration commissioner withthe crisis that is now aemergency.Mariela: said Mayor Adamstoday that this migratory crisisit cost the cityAt least $ 1,000,000,000a humanitarian crisis ofcatastrophic proportions,which today declares a state ofemergency call for helpfederal government.After declaring the status ofemergency for helpfederal for the first timeafter the mayor toópress questions about itto the immigrant crisis.[habla en ingés]how the city thinks testsee right to the newarrived with thousands ofNew Yorkers on the verge of evictionfor lack of accessaffordable housing?how are you goodquestion, why did you just do itdefine the crisis we are inlife. what I said todayis that we must prioritize thewaiting for New Yorkers,we are looking at how to speed up theprocess to put theNew Yorkers in homespermanent because we have already hada housing crisis firstfor the arrival of migrantsseek asylum.buses will not pay, from 5:00 to6:00 every day from 30September.nine arrived yesterday, otherstoday at nine.in the shelter systemthere are 61,000 people with17,000 migrants they havearrived from texasfor next year there will be100,000, the city of shopping alat least about 1,000,000,000 incrisis.we talked to the commissionerof immigration affairs, whoaccompanied the mayor during theemergency declaration.>> this statementauthorized to open centers ofhumanitarian assistance in supportpeople to achieve theirsfinal destinations, which manysometimes they are other states orcities across the country.while we await the support of thefederal government, thishelp New Yorkassisting people together.Mariela: Will that support arrive?yes, we are havingtalks with the governmentfederal because this situationmust be shared betweencities and states.mariela: it was communicated that nthe system will process in 96hours to those who do not want tostay in New York with ticketsfor your destinationsnow they continue to searchhotel space.private families open theirsdoors in their homes, likethey did with the crisis inremember we created thisspecial code is possiblescan to view assetshelp will be immigrants

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