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The City of Fun arrives in Montjuïc

Barcelona is saying goodbye to the year, recovering one of the most emblematic events on its Christmas agenda. The City of Dreams, heir to the old Children’s Festival, returns to Montjuïc this week with a special edition, as City of Fun, to adapt to the rigors of the pandemic. Dozens of families have taken advantage of the unusually warm weather this winter morning in Barcelona to open the festival, with about twenty outdoor games, all with free access.

Playing tennis, going to hoverkarts, participating in a circus workshop or playing an imaginary guitar in karaoke sessions are some of the activities that the Plaça de l’Univers hosts. until December 31st in a space of a few 6,000 square meters, open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The old Children’s Festival opens its doors | Lourdes Gata

20 activities in 4 areas

The new City of Fun, aimed at kids in between 5 and 12 years, deploys more than twenty activities spread over four major areas: the mobility space, the games space, the cultural space and the multisport space, where in the early hours of the morning the balls have already jumped on the field of play in various football, basketball and tennis matches for the whole family, in addition to hockey and rugby.

Fans of wheeled sports will find their space reserved on four tracks and circuits, with a skating rink, a track designed for hoverkarts, a track with ramps and obstacles for skateboards and scooters and a special “pump track” for bicycles.

Two children riding a scooter on an obstacle course in La Ciutat de la Diversió

In addition to enjoying family shows, young and old can give wings to their creativity by participating in circus and pop stencil workshops, where they learn how to design and print posters of his favorite artists. For music lovers, Fira de Barcelona organizes family karaoke and air guitar sessions, a type of dance that simulates playing an imaginary guitar.

Sustainable development

Despite releasing a new format, completely outdoors to reduce the risk of infection, the old Children’s Festival does not abandon its vocation to educate in a conscious sustainability. Through races, quizzes and Dapostar workshops – a juggling game – children get to know the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and learn the basics of the circular economy and become aware of the importance of recycling.

The City of Fun, canceled last year due to the pandemic, will reopen its doors every day until Friday, Dec. 31 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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