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the City must find 1.5 million euros

The surge in energy prices is not without consequences for the budgets of municipalities. Two years after the Covid surge and the necessary recourse to a “Covid” loan in the amount of 1.4 million euros to be repaid over five years, the City of Thionville, which is pursuing “a drastic savings plan”, recalls Jean-Charles Louis, assistant delegate for finance, will have to accelerate in 2022. “We have quantified the additional cost in gas and electricity of up to 1.5 million euros for the current year”, specifies the elected official. . To this will be added the increase in fuel which represents an expense “from 10,000 to 20,000 euros per month”. Awareness of agents and mobilization of all staff are on the menu for the next few days.

Jean-Charles Louis: “So we will have to review certain investments”

“The replacement of part of the windows of the town hall provided for in the 2022 budget will make it possible to generate energy savings”, further specifies the delegate for finance. The extinction of the lights or, at the very least, the reduction of the luminous intensity in the streets of Thionville could be a track “after consultation with the inhabitants of the different districts”, specifies the deputy mayor. Ditto for stadiums, swimming pools, sports halls where the heating in the locker rooms could be reduced. If the initial budget does not mention this 1.5 million euros, “we should be able to find this sum in the supplementary budget thanks to the savings that we will make”, affirms Jean-Charles Louis. However, this estimate calculated on today’s date could be revised upwards if prices continue to rise. “In this case, it would then be necessary to review certain investments”, loose the elected official. Fuel consumption by City vehicles will also be monitored. “I have no doubt that agents will find solutions themselves to reduce costs. »

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