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The City Council plans to recover the emblematic Carmen Theater


The Gozón City Council has expressed its intention to acquire the old Carmen Theater, located on a 572-square-meter plot at number 32 on Calle Mariano Suárez Pola de Luanco, to turn it into a multipurpose cultural center.

“We believe that it is a demand, since the council does not have any appropriate place to carry out cultural activities. It is a shame that cultural entities of Gozón, with great recognition, cannot act here,” explained the mayor, Jorge Suárez.

In addition, he has insisted on the “emotional component” for the gozoniegos of a building that housed the Carmen Theater at the beginning of the 20th century, as the historical archives attest.

Jorge Suárez has also indicated that the first step includes both the purchase and the drafting of the rehabilitation project. Both will be financed by the remaining Treasury of the City Council that can be used for “expenses of any nature” thanks to the suspension of fiscal measures applicable to local entities by agreement of the Council of Ministers of October 20, 2020. From there , the government team will be open to apply for grants or to include relevant work in future budgets.

“From the first moment we value this property because it already has the necessary infrastructure to host performing arts shows, having once been a cinema and theater. It has the characteristics we are looking for and, furthermore, its location in the center of Luanco is unbeatable” said Suárez, who publicly thanked the Valdés family for their willingness to “prioritize sentimental and historical value over other interests.”

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