The age currently established by the Junta de Andalucía to access these tests for free is lowered by one year, which ranges from 47 to 71 years. Those interested can now register in the Social Welfare buildings
The La Rinconada City Council, from its Health area, has launched a project for the Prevention of Breast Cancer, which in addition to providing a diagnosis serves to raise awareness among the population about the need for check-ups.
The branch delegate, Teresa Garzón, has met with the company MT Unidades Móviles Asistenciales, to materialize this initiative, which through a semi-trailer mobile unit, installed on the street, will perform a total of 310 mammograms on women born in 1977 , who have previously submitted their application.
“The objective of the action is to offer these tests to women from the corner who, due to their age, still do not have the opportunity to have these controls done for free by Social Security, which announced the extension of the age range from 47 to 71 years for this year. The aim is, as in everything related to health, prevention, the best tool for an early diagnosis and therefore a treatment with a greater probability of success”, explains Garzón.
The service consists of carrying out mammographic tests, as well as their reading and diagnosis through a Mobile Unit, equipped with a direct digital acquisition mammograph. The vehicle will be installed in the municipality from March 22 to 31, and will perform the mammograms by appointment on a split day from Monday to Thursday and on Friday mornings. Specifically, on Wednesday and Thursday, March 22 and 23, it will be located in the parking area attached to the Town Hall, while from 27 to 31 it will be in the vicinity of the Cultural Center of La Villa, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The requirements to benefit from these mammograms are to be registered in the municipality and to be 46 years old. Interested parties must register in advance at the Social Welfare Centers, where they will be assigned the time and day of their exam. The results will have to be collected at the same center 15 days after the end of the tests.