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The City Council and hoteliers create a label that guarantees coronavirus-free establishments | Radio Alicante | Present

The Municipal Tourist Board and the Provincial Hotel Association promote the tourist security badge ‘Alicante Covid Free’. It is a badge that will guarantee customers of these establishments which is about a safe environment against viruses when the confinement is over. To do this, eestablishes a series of safety recommendations, control and hygiene to avoid risks of spread of the coronavirus.

The vice president of hoteliers, Ángel Rodríguez, highlights that Alicante is the first city and APHA the first association of the sector that implements this initiative in the Valencian Community.

The Deputy Mayor of Alicante, Mari Carmen Sánchez, explained that the initiative it is part of the package of measures that are being implemented from the Tourist Board to promote and support the revival of the sector.

Alicante Covid Free ‘relies on a measurement protocol and instructions that have emanated of the Ministry of Health, through its Guide of Good Practices for Establishments and Workers in the Tourism Sector, dthe internal report Covid Information Document 19, prepared by the Provincial Hotel Association of the Province of Alicante, with contributions from Servigroup, the most important private chain of the Valencian Community.

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