Home » News » The city about to break the record for the longest time without snowfall

The city about to break the record for the longest time without snowfall

The city is set to break two snow-related records this week.

The first is for the longest period of time without snow and the second is a record for the latest snowfall of the season.

In our city it has not snowed for 324 days, since March 9 of last year.

The record is 332 days, which was set in 2020.

If there is no measurable snow by this Friday, we will break that record.

Measurable snow means at least one-tenth of an inch of snow on the ground.

So far this winter, a few flakes have fallen, but no snow has adhered.

Also, if it doesn’t snow this Sunday, it means that we will break the record for the last snowfall of winter.

The record so far is from January 29, that was in 1973, so this is a 50 year record.

Forecasters say the weather is affected by elements as far away as the southern hemisphere, where jet streams have pushed cold air farther north.

The temperature this month in the city has been about 10 degrees warmer than average for this time of year.

But, for snow lovers, things could change this week, there is the possibility of flakes on Wednesday.

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