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The cinema may open again but there is no film, what about it?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia The re-granting of permits to open cinemas in DKI Jakarta is not easy in the field. The Indonesian cinema and film industry entrepreneurs objected to the condition that the capacity limitation was only 25%. If you have to keep operating with a 25% restriction, then the film owner is still thinking about releasing a film.

“The cinemas and films cannot be separated. So like this, if the film is finished in the cinema, it will no longer be sold in theaters. It’s different from selling our stuff, we can’t sell it in the refrigerator tomorrow, we can sell it again,” said the chairman. General Association of Indonesian Cinema Managers (GPBSI) Djonny Syafruddin, to CNBC Indonesia, Wednesday (14/10/20).

He emphasized that actually the sustainability of the cinema also depends on the supply of films. Meanwhile, film producers refuse to show their work if the audience is only 25% of the maximum capacity.

“So when 25% we consulted with the film owners, the association of Indonesian producers. They all refused. If 25% is difficult for us, Sir, so we do not participate if 25%. And that’s true. If the producers don’t give films, we want to open them with films. what, “he complained.

Moreover, Jakarta is a barometer of the cinema business in the country. So that the decision to open or not cinemas in Jakarta will have an impact on the operation of cinemas in the regions.

“So no one wants to open it if Jakarta doesn’t exist. The only ones that have been opened now are Ternate, Irian (Papua), and Bandung. The ones that follow are many but waiting for Jakarta. Later all of this will return to film producers, if Jakarta opens evenly throughout Indonesia. will be distributed, “he explained.

The films playing in the regions at this time according to him are still old films, whose ‘age’ will soon be over. In fact, the dynamics of cinema in the country has developed rapidly in the last few years, now it is threatened.

“The cinema in Indonesia has grown rapidly from 2016, with 259 buildings instead of screens, yes, the screens are 1,100. 2020 there are 470 buildings, the screens are 2054, so the rapid growth of cinema,” he explained.

With the 25% restriction, according to him, if the cinema opens, it is not worth the risk borne by the entrepreneur. This is because most cinemas are crowded on Friday to Sunday, on Monday the number of visitors generally drops drastically.

“So if it is 25%, people say that now it is possible that the audience will also be quiet. When this film comes out, this big film will not come out yet. If there are a lot of them, we violate protocol rules, will be fined Rp. 50 million, Rp. 100 millions later we will. That’s the problem. But this all depends on the film. If the film is okay we will start, “he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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