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The cinema in Wolfhager Land is allowed to open and classroom instruction applies at school

Is “totally happy”: The Wolfhagen cinema operator Kai Mellinghoff – here in the projection room with the sound technology (left) and the digital projector (right) – is pleased to finally be able to show films in front of an audience again.

© Norbert Müller

From today there are new corona opening steps in the old district of Wolfhagen.

Wolfhager Land – As of today, there are new, far-reaching corona opening steps in the Kassel district, as the incidence is below 100 for five days (yesterday: 35.9). This is announced by district spokesman Harald Kühlborn. Level 2 of the state of Hesse applies. This means that, among other things, all students are returning to face-to-face classes, restaurateurs can also entertain their guests indoors, open swimming pools, events with 100 people can take place indoors, and all shops are allowed to open with restricted access and mask requirements.

This caused great joy in Wolfhager Land yesterday as well. “I’m totally happy,” says Kai Mellinghoff, the operator of the only cinema in the Altkreis. It had to close for seven months. On Thursday there is a new start with the film Disney’s Cruella. “I can use the cinema to 40 percent. It is best if the guests book contactlessly via the website, ”advises Mellinghoff. Other cinemas would not open until later.

Marko Kuhaupt: Gastronom

© Monika Wüllner

Gastronomy Marko Kuhaupt wants to welcome guests inside and outside again on the holiday. He is a bit skeptical about the corona outbreak on Sylt. That is why he will continue his pick-up service and offer a smaller menu for the time being.

Meanwhile, the schools are preparing for today’s school day, when all students will be back on board. “Outside the classrooms you have to keep your distance, the mask is compulsory in class”, explains the deputy headmistress of the Wolfhager Walter-Lübcke-Schule, Katrin Bergmann, about part of the new rules. Hand washing, regular study groups and two tests per week continued to be part of everyday school life.

The current rules have already been practiced from last year, says Ulf Imhof, director of the Christine Brückner School in Bad Emstal. “However, we are now a whole step further with the testing and vaccination of most teachers. That gives a better feeling. “

Imhof is now hoping for stable low incidence figures so that the learning gap can be made up. (Bea Ricken)

The rules of the State of Hesse currently apply

The corona rules, which have been relaxed from today, apply to an incidence value of below 50. However, if the incidence in the Kassel district rises again and is above 50 for three days, it goes back to level 1 of the state ordinance. The step model of the State of Hesse generally applies if the incidence value falls below 100. If a district or an independent city exceeds an incidence of 100, the federal emergency brake applies.

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