Home » Entertainment » The Cine Senior Program: Affordable Cinema Tickets for Elderly Citizens in Madrid

The Cine Senior Program: Affordable Cinema Tickets for Elderly Citizens in Madrid

The program Cine Senior, con which people over the age of 65 will be able to go to the cinema for 2 euros, starts this Tuesday in 44 exhibition spaces of the Community of Madrid that have taken advantage of the state measure to encourage a return to theaters.

In Spain, a total of 420 private establishments have joined, the 64,22% dthe total, which adds up to more than 3,000 projection screens distributed throughout the territory.

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The measure, as explained last June by the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, during the press conference after the Council of Ministers, aims to boost attendance at movie theaters by 65-year-old spectators, a group that has stopped going to this leisure space after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The programme, which has a budget of 10 million euros in charge of the General State Budgets 2023, will allow one day a week, preferably on Tuesdays or another day in the case of theaters that only open during the weekend or that close precisely on Tuesdays, people aged 65 or over can access the cinema for 2 euros . Tickets can only be issued at the ticket offices of the rooms, after identifying the person and proving their age.

The measure is aimed at people over 65 years of age because, according to Iceta, a 49 percent of young people between the ages of 20 and 24 hhave ever been to a movie theater in 2021 and 2022; and in the case of those over 65 years of age, this percentage drops to 6 percent. This figure stands out if one takes into account that, according to Iceta, this audience was an “essential part” of attendance at movie theaters before 2020.

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The minister pointed out that movie theaters are the sector that is taking the longest to recover after the pandemic. From the Ministry they point out that, despite the upturns experienced in 2022, the sector still finds itself with approximately 40 percent fewer viewers compared to the average for the years 2017 to 2019.

2023-07-12 00:33:47
#cinema #euros #theaters #Madrid

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