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the CHU of Caen in full seduction operation

The Caen University Hospital organized its first job dating this Wednesday, February 8, with around fifty positions to be filled. The device, already tested in other French hospitals, also aims to make the hospital sector attractive, a sector whose deep malaise has been brought to light by the covid crisis.

Marine is still a student. Next July,if all goes well“, she will graduate. And yet, at the beginning of February, she has already just won a promise of employment for the month of September. “I’ve always wanted to work in health. The relational side, I think you can only find it here where we are so close to people and where people need us so much. I find it great.“The young woman will therefore integrate soon,”if all goes well“, the pediatric department of the University Hospital of Caen as a nurse, a job she has dreamed of for several years. “I think it’s a calling. Either we never thought about it, or we woke up one morning saying that’s what we have to do.

This Wednesday morning in the reception hall of the CHU de Caen, there are several dozen obviously to have the vocation. The news has however highlighted for many months a deep malaise among caregivers, between lack of means and lack of consideration. “It is an environment of constraints the hospital environment, we know it“, recognizes Katia Lievremont, director of care, “We work weekends, we work nights, the schedules are not always easy. The relationship with patients is something absolutely fascinating but which sometimes consumes a lot of energy. However, these are beautiful jobs. Today’s success testifies to this.

Because it is indeed the crowd of the great days in the reception hall of the hospital. Nearly 150 candidates received during the morning alone for this first job dating. Caregiver, nurse, pharmacy preparer, technician, catering agent, regulation assistant or IT specialist, around fifty positions are offered within the establishment. And almost as many CHU employees (around forty) are mobilized to welcome and discuss with the candidates. “Our societies are changing, we are a lot with digital but that is not enough. We have a platform on which we can apply, but that’s not enough. We need human contact, even if it is short. This is essential in order to be able to establish a starting relationship. Contacts and direct questions will provide answers that will comfort both the recruiter and the recruit.

Marine, the future pediatric nurse, is seduced by the device. “I usually do interviews alongside school because I have student jobs.“, says the young woman, “Here it is completely different. The fact that it turns, it allows you to see yourself quickly. It’s better than a formal interview, the pressure is not the same. I find it much less stressful that we are in the hall of the CHU which I know very well. In front of us, they don’t have the department head’s white coat.

Caen University Hospital is not the first French hospital to organize a job dating. The university hospitals of Rennes, Nantes or Toulouse have already experimented with such a device in recent months. For the Norman establishment, this first constitutes one of the bricks of a larger plan called “Attractivity 2022” launched last year, a plan that sounds like a cultural revolution for the director of human resources. “There is a certain humility in the culture of the public hospital, it is difficult to sell yourself outside“, Dear Théo Piolin, “It’s a good thing for the professionals themselves to promote themselves, to show that we do a lot of things in the hospital. There are very good initiatives, especially in a university hospital like ours with a very large number of specialties.

According to the Caen University Hospital HRD, the establishment has already carried out “a lot of recruitment” This year. “The challenge is above all to make our professions better known. We have professions that the population does not identify very well in general. I am thinking, for example, of dispatch assistants, ie the person you call when you contact the SAMU and need to be taken care of quickly. It is on these professions in particular that we wish to communicate to the general public.“And this first job dating is the occasion.”We are lucky to have a very wide range of services and therefore to have very diverse professions. We do not rule out any applications and we try to offer as many things as possible to our candidates.

To sell itself to potential candidates, the Caen University Hospital does not rely only on the diversity of professions. If health seems to remain a vocation, we must not rely solely on it to make people want to. “We have made good progress in terms of recruitment methods“, pleads Théo Piolin, “We offer more CDIs, more internships and therefore access to the public service, which makes it possible to secure our jobs.

Finally, the HRD believes that the best selling point of the CHU de Caen is its future. “We have a major advantage, an advantage for the next few years, which is that we are going to have a new hospital, new, totally redesigned, totally modern, which will make it possible to have a more comfortable working environment for our professionals and for our patients.“A new hospital that should be accompanied, assures Théo Piolin, “more and more jobs” to provide.

Above the report by Kanwaljit Singh and Cyril Duponchel

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