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the CHU de Saint-Étienne at the forefront of research against the disease

To find an answer to the crisis of coronavirus, the hospital North of Saint Etienne leads care and clinical research by participating since March 23 in Discovery, a program of research launched in seven countries including France. The project, in partnership with WHO and Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), is led by Professor Florence Ader of the Hospices Civils de Lyon.

At least 800 patients in France

In France, at least 800 patients volunteered in a twenty hospitals, including the CHU of Saint-Etienne. The objective of this program is to test the effectiveness of four treatments already known on the coronavirus also called Covid-19. And it’s about not wasting time. The professor Elisabeth Botelho-Nevers is responsible for the Infectiology department of the Saint-Etienne University Hospital. She explained to France Blue Saint-Etienne Loire the importance and operation of this clinical trial.

How does the program work?

“For each patient, the draw determines which of the four treatments is administered to him, or no specific treatment. We then compare the patients who received the different treatments. We also received reinforcements from clinical research staff. We already have preliminary data on these different treatments, but they are not sufficient, which is why this trial is eagerly awaited. Having a lot of volunteer patients will allow us to have an idea about the drugs which are effective. “

Who are the patients included in the trial?

“When we have a patient, we see if he is eligible for a trial, Discovery or Hycovid in Angers in which the CHU also participates. This is done with his agreement. The inclusions go quickly. We are trying to include a maximum of patients , while respecting the rules of clinical research of course. You should know that the majority of people consider that, at the time of the health crisis, being able to offer trials that will allow us to quickly get to know better treatments is what we have to offer. We are not the only ones to do it. Many countries too. “

Hydroxychloroquine is tested

Since the start of the epidemic, the use of chloroquine and now l’hydroxychloroquine is defended by the professor from Marseille Didier raoult. Recently, he assured that “things went very well” for a thousand patients treated with hydroxychloroquine. “It is one of the four treatments tested, answers Professor Élisabeth Botelho-Nevers in Saint-Étienne. But I don’t believe there is a miracle drug today. I think sometimes you shouldn’t give people false hope. “

The data on hydroxychloroquine are encouraging, but also controversial.

“Among the patients, we meet different profiles. No one can yet say which treatment works or not. The data on hydroxychloroquine are encouraging, they are also controversial. We must go forward to find the best management possible.”

Results hoped for within ten days

According to Professor Élisabeth Botelho-Nevers, results are expected within ten days. This is for the European test Discovery to find an answer for the 20% of patients most seriously affected. Even if a drug will not solve everything, warns the infectious disease specialist. “There will certainly be no miracle drug. It is probably not a single molecule that will cure all patients but many at different stages of the disease. There will therefore certainly be a need for several drugs at different stages of the disease.”

TO READ – A new blood test after a successful trial at the CHU de Saint-Etienne

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