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The CHU de Guadeloupe claims to be organized to provide all care

Particularly focused on the care of patients contaminated with COVID 19, the CHU nevertheless wanted to inform its patients about its ability to cope with this pathology, without neglecting the others. The establishment explained in a press release that we publish here

For CHUG, it was above all a question of making known to the population that, during the Covid-19 crisis period and even if the coronavirus mobilizes a significant part of the energy of the healthcare teams, everything is done to that urgent care continues to be provided. All CHUG professionals are mobilized to offer the best possible care to their patients.
For fear of overloading services or contracting Covid-19 in the hospital, some patients schedule their appointments on their own or fail to show up. Doctors at Guadeloupe University Hospital warn of the importance of maintaining important and urgent care outside of Covid. The CHUG is organized to allow continuity of care and secure care with one objective: not to lose any chance of recovery for patients.

During the epidemic, the other diseases did not know a truce.

Daily attendance at the CHUG emergency departments has been halved since the beginning of April. This fall in attendance is worrying, because some of the patients who do not come could see their pathology progress to serious forms. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, everyone’s attention is focused on the coronavirus and its symptoms. But at the same time, the other diseases do not know a truce. Some need to act quickly, like stroke and TIA, where every minute lost reduces the chances of a good recovery. Myocardial infarction or heart failure should trigger immediate hospital admissions. It is imperative to remain alert to warning signs such as chest pain, shortness of breath or malaise.
On March 16, to prepare for the health crisis, the CHUG decided to de-schedule all non-emergency activity in order to increase the capacity to care for patients with Covid-19. However, emergency care outside Covid-19 continues to be supported at CHUG and it is essential that the population continues to come there. The follow-up of chronic patients also remains a priority. Our teams are mobilized in this direction. Chronic patients must maintain contact with the medical teams that follow them, even during this period of crisis. Only consultations, hospitalizations and non-emergency surgical operations are postponed. The CHUG maintains urgent care and treatment which could lead to a loss of opportunity if it were postponed.

Each patient’s situation is specific: decisions are therefore made on a case-by-case basis, in a collegial and thoughtful manner, depending on the patient’s pathology and the urgency of his consultation or hospitalization. In the current period and to ensure the best possible follow-up, secretaries or medical teams systematically call back all patients with a scheduled appointment, whether their appointment is maintained or postponed.
Patients who do not have a scheduled appointment and who require specialized medical advice in connection with doubts about the appearance of a pathology or following the observation of aggravating signs of a disease, are invited to call medical secretariats of services. This instruction is valid for patients already followed at CHUG, as for new patients. During the crisis, we maintain a telephone response in all departments of CHUG. Our medical and nursing teams continue to answer patients’ questions and welcome them in all specialties, if their state of health requires it.

If medical conditions allow, a teleconsultation appointment is possible to avoid any travel. The CHUG has rapidly deployed teleconsultation possibilities, massively equipping the teams. In practice, when the patient is eligible for teleconsultation, he is contacted by the service secretariat, who explains the principle to him and sends him a manual by e-mail or sms. Teleconsultation thus allows remote monitoring and, when necessary, adaptations to treatments. In the event that video transmission is not possible, support by telephone may be decided by the doctor.

Separate circuits are set up to separate Covid patients and non-Covid patients.

This is to prevent the spread of the virus and sanctuarize “healthy” areas in the CHU. Covid emergencies are separate from general emergencies. Hospital services have been dedicated for suspected or confirmed Covid patients in the north tower of the CHU, while conventional non-covid services are located in the south tower. Finally, resuscitation patients are placed in different areas depending on whether they are covid or non-covid. The routes are fully differentiated.
Covid + units, present in all our hospitals, work with dedicated staff and are not linked to conventional units. Hygiene protocols are very strict.
As soon as there is the slightest doubt about the contamination of a healthcare professional, he is immediately removed from the care areas. As a reminder, there is a specific pathway for screening and medical monitoring of CHUG professionals in Ricou.
Since the start of the crisis, CHUG has been adapting its working methods and developing its reception and care protocols. Health professionals have been trained to deal with the health crisis. Numerous hygiene and precautionary measures make it possible to secure care as much as possible, under the permanent control of the operational hygiene team, in order to always offer CHUG patients the best possible care.

A press release signed by the Director General of the CHU Gérard Cotellon and by the President of the CME, Pr. Suzy Duflo

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