This Wednesday, December 1, the city of Colomiers launches the Christmas festivities with the illumination of the city.
The beautiful month of December. The magic of Christmas. The cities light up one after the other. Colomiers is launching the holiday season this Wednesday. Throughout the month of December, festive events will punctuate the columérin calendar, in accordance with sanitary instructions. “It was essential for us, after more than a year and a half of health crisis, to offer Columérines and Columérins convivial times and warm events, explains Ms. Karine Traval-Michelet, Mayor of Colomiers and Vice-President of Toulouse Metropolis. All these times cannot be held under the conditions initially envisaged, because we must exercise caution in order to protect our citizens, either by adapting this offer or by canceling certain events. “
On December 1, 2 and 3, 2021, nearly 5,000 Columérines and Columérins are invited to come to the Comminges hall to receive their gourmet baskets.
The city lights up this Wednesday with 114 candelabra decorations on the main axes, a 100-meter-long luminous ceiling, garlands, Santa’s letterbox and Christmas planters in the rue du Center, garlands and various decorations at Place de la Bascule, Place du Languedoc, 3D decorations at Place Alex-Raymond (sleighs, giant balls and luminous Christmas tree) and a vegetated scene and decorations in various public spaces:
Events all month
Throughout the month of December, subject to changes in the health context, various activities are offered:
Friday December 10 at 8 p.m., at the Sainte-Radegonde church, Christmas concert at the Conservatory,
Wednesday December 15 at 2:30 p.m., Christmas tea party at Le Grand Central cinema,
Friday December 17 from 6 p.m., Place Alex-Raymond, Parad’Ice street show, disguised torchlight walk and prize-giving for the Christmas decoration competition,
Saturday December 18 at 5 pm, show for young audiences (from 5 years old) at the Jean-Cayrou auditorium, “La Feuille Blanche”, by the Tenir Debout Company,
Thursday December 30 at the Gascogne room at 8:30 p.m., Happy new break show,
Wednesday December 29 and Thursday December 30 8:45 p.m., Friday December 31 10:30 p.m., Christmas Cabaret at the Petit Théâtre du center.