Home » today » World » The Chinese wife was diagnosed and could not buy medicine! Can’t help but “take a sip of a guy’s urine” Shouts: goes into effect in 3 hours | Cross-strait | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

The Chinese wife was diagnosed and could not buy medicine! Can’t help but “take a sip of a guy’s urine” Shouts: goes into effect in 3 hours | Cross-strait | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Mainland Center / Reported by Huang Yunxuan

After the “White Paper Revolution” in China, the CCP quickly eased epidemic prevention measures to restore normal life everywhere, hoping to quell the wave of protests. However, the result was a rapid increase in the number of infected people, but in reality it was not yet ready for large numbers of infected people. Many people were diagnosed with fever but could not get antipyretics, and funeral homes also had to queue. There was a Chinese wife who had a high fever and eventually “drank a baby’s urine”, claiming that she would be effective within 3 hours.

This Chinese wife said in a Douyin PO video that she had a fever all night. Finally, she took a sip of the boy’s urine and the fever subsided within 2 to 3 minutes. It is better to soak in the urine,” speaking bluntly, even if it smells bad, it is effective. The famous wife also said that her throat was warm, but the fever subsided within 3 hours after she took a sip of urine.

▲ The Chinese wife’s PO video said that “drinking a boy’s urine for 3 hours will reduce the fever.” (Image / flip from Weibo)

The stupid behavior was shared on Weibo, and netizens left messages saying, “If you don’t drink it, the fever may go down within an hour”, “Don’t overdo it with these people, I will be really scared to death”, “It was originally a morning meal. The fever dropped when I got up, and I had a fever for another three hours after drinking”, “The fever is not light”, “The lower the education, the better the effect”, ” The result of failure in nine-year compulsory education”. After the video caused controversy, the original OP deleted the video.

After China fully opened up in December, the outside world questioned whether the CCP had not made any relevant support preparations. At that time, the British “Financial Times” reported that China hastily eased the epidemic prevention, which may trigger a severe winter infection wave, and the Lunar New Year is about to usher in During the “Spring Festival travel season”, the epidemic has intensified and overwhelmed the medical system. In winter, 1 million people could die from the epidemic. Zhuo Jiatong, chief physician of the Guangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, also warned that 2 million people in China could die from the epidemic after restrictions are eased, and the total number of infected people is 233 million. However, Chinese officials are yet to reveal the exact number of people infected.

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